The tournament

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    Dumbledore taped his glass and started talking:

" Now that everybody is sorted into their houses, let me make a huge announcement. This year Hogwarts won't be home only to you guys, but this year your school hat been chosen to host the triwizard  tournament, and the winner will get to go home with the triwizard cup"

he pointed to some veil that flew away and revealed a gorgeous cup. Everyone gasped when seing it. Dumbledore kept on going:

" eternal glory awaits for the one who seizes the cup, but the tournament is also very dangerous, people died. So this is why me and the ministry decided so add an age limit, anyone under the age of 17 won't be able to compete."

Everybody gasped in disappointment, people yelling stuff like: Bulshit, or, this thing doesn't make any sense.

" Silence" yelled Dumbledore. " as I was saying this castle won't only be home to you this year, but we will also welcome the gorgeous girls from the beauxbaton academy and their headmistress Madame Maxime!"

When saying so a group of beautiful girls that I knew more or less came in the great hall. I noticed Fleur De La Cour I'm the middle of them, I knew her quite well, she is my sisters best friends back in beauxbaton . When she saw me she gave me a big smile. All the boys seamed hypnotized by the girls, just like if it was the first time they saw a bunch of ladies. After their little dance or whatever they sat in a corner of the room. Ron asked me:

" Hey, Elizabeth, you couldn't introduce me to any of them by any chance?"

Hermione gave him a death stare , I just laughed and turned away as Dumbledore continued:

" Then we will welcome the Dumstrong boys and their headmaster Igor Karkarov"

as he said so a bunch of boys came in chanting and taping wooden sticks in the ground. I noticed in the back victor krum, the famous quidditch player. Everyone was amazed to see such a celebrity wondering the halls. He slipped a smile at Hermione and I saw her face turning as red a as tomato. Cute.

After the dumstrong boys sat down Dumbledore snapped his fingers and a huge meal appeared on the tables. I saw chicken, potatoes and hundred of other dishes. Everybody jumped on the food as if they had been starving for ages. I talked to a few people at my table especially the Weasley twins, Fred and George. They were really nice and seemed really interested in what I had to say, it really seemed like we were going to grow to be good friends.

    When I left the great hall to go to my dorms I heard a voice calling my name. I recognized it right away. And I turned around to see Cedric. He was standing in his huffulpuff robes smiling at me. God he was handsome. I ran to him hugging him tightly.

"God I missed you" he said

" oh Merlin Cedric me too like hell"

" and you've grown so much, how long has it been?"

" Well the last time we saw each other was at the... well at the funeral"

" oh yeah that's right sorry"

"it's okay"

" So are you happy at Hogwarts? I'm glad you got into griffindor you belong there"

" yeah I'm happy I've made a few friends and all".

We stood there in an awkward silence not having much more to say.

" okay well I should go off to bed now, see y'a Cedric"

"see y'a Eli"

    When I left Cedric I went up to bed to my dorms. To get some sleep after my first day of school tomorrow

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