Pinky promise

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I was with Harry Ron and Hermione. We were in the Hogwarts courtyards just the four of us. We were talking and joking around like little kids. Then I saw him arrive, walking towards, the guy with the grey eyes and platinum hair. Draco walking towards us. Did he want to talk to me?

"hey Elizabeth, could I have a word" he said his voice cracking, he seemed concerned. Of course I wanted to hear what he had to say, but I did not want to give in too easily.

" I'm busy Malfoy" I said with a rude tone.

"Please" he insisted, exactly like I wanted him to.

" shove off Malfoy, she said she doesn't want to talk to you " said Harry defending me. Draco ignored him, he didn't even talk back

" Come on Elizabeth, I really want to talk to you, please" he kept on going, gosh he was determined, I almost felt bad for him.

" piss of Malfoy, she said no"

" I was not talking to you weaselbee"

" Oh I'm going to kill you, you filthy little cockroach" said Ron threatening him with his wand

" I that a threat you twat ".

" Oh come you guys are such babies, what do you want Draco?" I answered, with a calm voice.

"Could we go somewhere private?" He asked

"um yes of course sorry" I followed him a few feet away from my friends.

" so?" I asked with an annoyed tone.

" listen Elizabeth I wanted to say I'm sorry "

" for what?" I cut him off. Of course I knew damn well what he was talking about, I thought a bit of teasing wouldn't do him any wrong.

" for being such a douche the other day, and ignoring you "

" oh yeah that, yes that was messed up a little"

" I know and I am so sorry, and I don't know why I acted like such an asshole" he looked panicked, I just wanted to hug him so hard.

" keep on" I said

" the truth is I love spending time with you, I love our potion classes, and I really really want to be your friend Elizabeth, I guess I just panicked when you said hi to me, all my friends were there, and thought they would mock me for talking to a gryffindor or whatever , I know it's stupid I really do, and I panicked I really did" he was talking so fast, the words were rushing trough his mouth.

" please forgive me Elizabeth" I looked at him, I smiled.

And I shoved my head into his torso and hugged him. So tight he could barely breathe. I could feel he didn't really know what to do and he did not hug me back at first. But then he relaxed and wrapped his arms around me.

" I forgive you Draco " I said whispering

" thank god "

" but you better not mess up this time " I continued

" I won't I promise"

" pinky promise? " I asked

" what in Merlin's name is that?" What he didn't know what pinky promise was? Did this guy even get a childhood?

" don't tell me you don't know what a pinky promise is" I asked shocked

" no I really don't, enlight me"

" okay so it's easy" I said taking my pinky out

" you just wrap your pinky around mine and you say: I promise"

" oh come on this is dumb"

" do it or I won't forgive you"

" geez okay" he said wrapping his pinky around mine. I liked his cold touch.

" I promise " he said.

" good, now you're forgiven " I exclaimed proudly.

" well I better be" he said. There was an awkward silence then he said:

" hey I was heading to the library to finish some homework, you want to join?"

Did he actually want to hang out, like outside of class hours???

" um... yes sure, I have some assignments to finish as well, so yeah"

" great"

" wait I just need to go grab my stuff"

I walked back to my friends who were giving me a death stare.

" what was that about?" Asked Ron.

" Oh nothing he just apologized for ignoring me the other day" I answered

" You didn't forgive him though right?" Said Hermione.

" Well yes of course I did"

" but Elizabeth we warned you about him, first he ignored you, then who knows what he is going to do next. " she continued.

" oh come on Hermione, we are not eight anymore it is normal to forgive people"

" she is right though Elizabeth " said Harry

" gosh you guys are unbelievable, you act like such babies" I said leaving

" where are you going?" Asked Harry.

" to the library to study, with Draco, wether you like or not" I answered angrily.

I could not believe them, why were they acting like that. Couldn't I be friends with anyone I wanted.

" gosh I can't with them anymore " I said as I reached Draco

" what is it ?" He asked

" Nothing, they are just not your biggest fans if you see what I mean" he nodded "

which is ridiculous I mean I am aloud to li- be friends with anyone I want right" gosh this was close, it almost slipped out.

Draco and I went to the library, he helped me with my potions which was very much needed.

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