I forgive you

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"Go away Draco" I said as I heard the door to the roof top open.

I was great on my own, watching the stars, why did he have to come in and ruining everything, like he often does actually.

" I don't want to talk to you right now"

" no but Elizabeth please, just let me talk ."

" no Draco, you messed up, you don't get to talk anymore"

" please I just want to apologize"

"You don't get it do you, I don't care you hurt me, I'm just so mad at you for humiliating me the way you did, you know the others kept telling how bad you were, and I kept repeating how wrong they were. But we'll there it is, they were right"

" I know I am a terrible person and Elizabeth, but you still deserve an apology"

" well if you say so, enlighten me"

" okay, um whoo I don't know where to start. Um okay so just know that I am so terribly sorry for letting you down. I don't even know why I got into this stupid bet. It was dumb and I knew it. But Crabb and Goyle were there and well I guess I didn't want for them to know i had a sweet spot for you."

" sweet spot?"

" well yes, I have a sweet spot for you Elizabeth, ever since I met you, I know I try to act tough and well I'm not "

" but you broke the pinky promise"

" I know I did, and I have never regretted something so much in my life. And just so you know, there wasn't a single part of me that did not want to kiss you that night Elizabeth"

" really?"

" yeah really, god I hate opening up like that, but yes I really wanted to kiss you, and the moment was perfect, this night was perfect, I mean probably the best night of my life. And gosh I missed you so much Elizabeth, I missed your face, I missed our discussions, our potion classes, I missed your hugs and your laugh. Honestly I understand if you never want to talk to me ever again, because what I did is unforgivable. "

I grabbed his hand. He seems surprised

" I forgive you Draco."

" you do?"

" yes I do"

" woah that is a relief, I hate apologies"

I got closer to him

" I've missed you Draco" I said.

" hey I'm sorry about my dad earlier, he shouldn't have said what he said"

"Thank you Draco, but you don't have to apologize for your father's actions, and besides you told him off, so thank you"

" of course, he had no right talking to you like that"

we stopped talking for a while, I leaned my head on his shoulder. Just us, looking at the beautiful London skyline, for the first time in a long time, I felt good.

" you know, he is one them" he said breaking the silent, probably referring to his dad being a death eater

" I know"

" ever since I met you I wanted to assure you that he was not the one to do it, that he was not the one to kill you mom, but I can't, and I feel so bad all the time about it."

" hey it's okay Draco, again, you are not responsible for your father's action okay"

We just sat there for about an hour, talking about life and our stuff, it was the most magical moment of my life, and turns out Draco was not a bad person after all.

" okay enough chit chat, let's go dancing"


" yes I heard they were putting music downstairs"

" oh come on, it's going to be old people music"

" stop acting like you don't like it"


He grabbed my hand " shall we m'lady" he asked forcing a fancy heavy British accent

" we shall"

We both giggled, and he started dragging me down the clumpy stairs. When we arrived downstairs and heard a fun rock music.

" omg Draco, to you know how to rock?"

" are you kidding me, of course I do"

He took me on the dance floor and we started rocking. We were laughing the whole time, it was great a perfect moment, I wish I could have froze it. Of course I could feel my dads gaze on me, but I did not care.

" doesn't this remind you of the Yule ball?" Asked Draco.

" well I hope the end won't" I answered. He gave me a sad look. " oh come on I was just kidding" I continued. He chuckled.

" well not funny Elizabeth" I smiled.

We were just chilling at the drinks table when my dad arrived.

" okay Elizabeth, it's time for us to go" he said

" what no dad come on" I answered

" yes Elizabeth, it's late, I'll be waiting for you in the car"

I turned to Draco. " well I should probably go" I told him.

" yeah you probably should" he answered

He came in and hugged me. " I had a great night Elizabeth"

" so did I Draco, I'll see you at at school"

" you will"

"Bye" I waved at him and left.

I got into the car, I already knew what was waiting inside for me.

" I thought I told you" said my dad

" told me what?"

"Not to be friends with the Malfoy boy"

" don't start dad, he is my friend and there is nothing you can do about it"

" he surely is as vile and cruel as his pathetic father"

" he is not okay, not because his dad is a terrible person doesn't mean he has to be."

" listen I'm your dad, you need to listen to me"

" oh no stop pulling that card on me, it's not my fault you can't get along with your coworkers, you don't get to rule my life because of it, I am friends with Draco, end of discussion"

I had never gotten so mad at my dad before. But gosh I hated him right now. I did not talk for the rest of the car ride home. And when we arrived I don't directly to bed. I wanted to be mad so badly, but turns out I couldn't stop smiling, thinking of the amazing night I had spend with Draco.

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