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I had been looking forward to this day for a whole week now. Today I had potions. Which meant I was going to sit next to Malfoy for two whole hours. I don't even know why I felt so happy to see him again but I did.

I did not arrive late to class this time. I was in fact a bit early. No one was there when I arrived, except for professor Snape.

" hello professor " I said getting into the classroom.

" Morning miss Hugo " he said with his low steady voice who always gave me the chills.

" I see you did not get lost this time " he said ironically.

" no I found my way rather easily ".

As we talked a few other students came into the classroom. I joined my seat. Malfoy still wasn't here. Harry, ron and Hermione. They smiled at me whilst seating the three of them at the same table.
Then I heard it:

" Hey accent girl " .

Accent girl? He gave me a nickname. And a sort of cute one. I liked it actually.

" accent girl?" I asked chuckling

" what is this shitty nickname? " I lied.

I did not find the nickname ugly on the contrary I loved it.

"What you don't like it?" He said

" Well I would just say it is a bit mean" I answered not meaning what I said at all.

" pff mean you serious? " I nodded

" well that makes me want to call you that even more" I acted like I was shocked, mocking him.

"You're pathetic Draco Malfoy "

" oh how dare you " he said defensively. I think I had actually offended him.

" hey um... I saw you the other day, at the three broomsticks, with Dean Thomas."

I froze, insure of what he was going to say next.

" are you too dating or something?"

" oh no absolutely not, I mean yes it was a date, but I don't like Dean, I mean not like that" and answered, proud of how well I handled this situation.

" then why did you accept in going?" Of course he was going to ask that

" well I don't know, I just thought it would be nice to hang out with someone. Why are you asking that anyways?"

" I don't know, just being curious"

" you jealous?"

" pff you wish" he answered chuckling

We spent the rest of the class giggling and fooling around. I really did not see why the others say he was so bad. He seemed fun and comforting. Nothing like what the others had described me .

" And if I may ask, why did you transfer " I did not really want to answer, having to talk about my moms death was still very painful to me. But I did, I wanted Malfoy to know.

" I um... my mom she um... she passed away a few months ago, so I had to move in with my dad."

I felt an ache in my stomach. It's always what happened when I had to talk about my mum. I tear started to fall down my cheek. I wiped it out quickly. But I think Draco saw it because he grabbed my hand . Here I felt it again. The butterflies. His hand felt so soft.

"I'm sorry Elizabeth, I shouldn't have asked" he said softly trying to confort me.

" no it's fine, I'm sorry I just get emotional when I talk about it" he nodded and got back to brewing his potion. I did the same.

" so who do you think is going to compete in the tournament? " he asked breaking the kind of awkward silence.

" I have no idea, but whoever does is crazy" I answered.

" you think? I think it's bloody brilliant "

"you do?" I said intrigued

" well yeah, can you imagine? Eternal glory! That's wicked"

" maybe but it is also so dangerous, I mean people die in this tournament "

" yeah, well what's a little risk" I was shocked. How could he even say that

" are you for real? "

" Class dismissed " I heard professor Snape say. I gathered my books and joined Harry, Ron and Hermione. We started leaving the classroom when I heard Draco calling me.

" hey Elizabeth " I turned around and saw him.

" I'll see you around" he continued.

" I'll se you Draco" I said smiling at him.

"What was that?" Asked Hermione sounding rather mad.

"What was what?" I answered innocently

" well you talking to Malfoy, why are you doing a such thing?" Continued Ron on her behalf.

" Well I don't know we just talked during class and he is just saying goodbye"

" Elizabeth I told you, you should not be talking to this guy"

" Come on Hermione it's not a big deal, and besides turns out he so actually a really nice guy okay. We have fun" I said

"please don't tell me you are starting to have feelings for him" said Harry. Please how could he say that. I mean he wasn't entirely wrong but still.

" Ew what no!" I said faking disgust.

" We're just friends" I kept on going

" Elizabeth Hugo friends with Draco Malfoy, I really would have see anything in my life" said Ron chuckling

" shut up Ron" I exclaimed hitting him nicely behind the head.

We kept on walking, heading toward our next class. I felt good, light. This class with Draco really was the best. I could tell I was going to enjoy potions this year.

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