*Inuyasha x F!Human reader (Modern AU)*

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In this, (Y/n) is a good friend of Kagome's and nearly lives with her and her family. Kagome and (Y/n) are over 18, of course, I will not specify to still leave a blank enough slate for (Y/n) to be the reader but for this, I do mention that they're no longer in high school so they do have to be over 18.

TW - Menstruation (kinda the theme of this one)


"Oh go fuck yourself!" Kagome snapped as a certain silver-haired male followed her like a poodle.

"Yeah? Well, you can go eat shit!" He snapped back.

"Just because you're older doesn't mean you can boss me around!"

"I am hundreds of years older, and a yokai, I think I have a little authority here!"

"I can go out whenever, wherever, and wearing whatever I want! You're not my husband so you don't control me!" Kagome then pulled out her expensive phone to text someone. The phone was a gift from the silver-haired male due to his family owning one of the most well-known and well-made tech companies in Japan. It's no surprise, the CEO is a pure-bred demon in the flesh, though the humans of course don't know that, so he had thousands of years of knowledge in that genius mind of his to work with.

"You're showing way too much, you know human men these days!" 

"Oh please, I can handle myself!"

"Ok you two, please keep it down." The two looked to see Kagome's mom shaking her head.

"If you're going to yell go outside, (Y/n) showed up early this morning saying she didn't feel good, let her rest." She explained. The two fell silent, barely glancing at one another, they both hated being scolded by Kagome's mom.

"Inuyasha, I understand your concern, and I appreciate you being so worried but Kagome is an adult now, she has to grow up at some point. And Kagome, Inuyasha is just worried, you should never speak to someone like that for just trying to help." She continued.

"Yes ma'am." They both muttered softly.

"Good, now go on before you're late Kagome." Kagome smiled.

"Right!" With that, she rushed off. Inuyasha huffed crossing his arms, Kagome was going on a date and he didn't like it, he met the guy already and hated the vibes he gave off. However, as Kagome's mom said, she had to grow up eventually. Deciding to do something else, his nose twitched before walking further into the house. He smelled (Y/n) and decided to check on her wondering why she didn't feel good, and why she came here instead of staying home.

"(Y/n)?" He called through the door of the guest room as he knocked softly. In only a few moments, someone peeked out the door, the room was as dark as it could be, only a little sunlight bled through the closed curtains.

"Hey, you ok?" He asked seeing how tired she looked, her (hair details) hair was messy, and her hand rested on her abdomen. In other words, she looked like crap, and that wasn't normal for her worrying Inuyasha.

"Yeah, just not feeling too hot." She muttered.

"You need anything? I can get some water or if you're hun-"

"N-No no really I'm ok." She insisted, that was until Inuyasha smelled something, blood.

"Hey wait, why do I smell blood? Are you hurt??" He held a worried tone making (Y/n) feel bad. With a soft sigh, she shook her head.

"I'm not hurt, this is normal." She reluctantly explained. Inuyasha thought for a moment, then relaxed with a heavy sigh as he reached up to scratch his head.

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