^Sesshomaru x Kagome^ (Pt 2)

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Part 2 of "^Sesshomaru x Kagome^"

Kagome had been traveling with Sesshomaru, Rin, A-Un, and Jaken for some time now. It was quiet, she was so used to the chaos but for some reason it never happened for this group. Rin says it's thanks to Sesshomaru keeping them safe, and Kagome has to agree. On multiple occasions she's seen a nasty looking demon show up, take one look at Sesshomaru, and leave. It was impressive to Kagome, she couldn't help but admire the sheer power his presence could have.

"Get on A-Un." Sesshomaru suddenly spoke up.

"Huh?" His voice had snapped Kagome out of her thoughts, making her look ahead at Sesshomaru.

"You've been walking the entire day, get on A-Un."

"Oh, it's ok, I'm used-"

"Don't make me repeat myself, woman." That was one downside, however. Sesshomaru wasn't much of a talker, but his words were often harsh.

"Wom- I have a name y'know..." Kagome mumbled, but decided to listen anyway and joined Rin on A-Un. His words were harsh, but not really the intentions. He spoke in a bittersweet manner, Kagome always told herself. She also had to remind herself that he was an ancient being, so the way he talks is likely just natural to him. Didn't mean he couldn't think about changing that fact, but maybe he just never had a reason to. Eventually, night fell and Sesshomaru had the group stop. This gave Rin and Kagome a chance to do their humanly needs, and likely gave him a break as well. A lot of times, Rin slept by A-Un, who always seemed happy to let her use their arm or tail as a pillow. Jaken did his own thing, then there was Sesshomaru. He's sit there, eyes closed, as still as a statue. Yet, he never slept. Kagome knew that for a fact because if a sound catches his attention, his pointed ears will tilt in the sound's direction.

"What?" Kagome, yet again, was snapped out of her thoughts as he suddenly looked over. He must've sensed her staring at him.

"I- hmm... I-If you want to get some sleep, I don't mind staying up tonight." She decided to offer. He remained silent for a moment, then closed his eyes again.

"No." Kagome frowned, she expected him to say no though.

"O-Ok." She looked away. He was strange, he willingly protected the group and never complained about Rin and Kagome's human needs. Not even the bathroom breaks! Yet, he seemed so defensive all at the same time. Inuyasha was more snippy in that manner. He never denied them sure, but he always had something to say about it.

"Your nose crinkles when you are lost in your mind." Kagome quickly looked over, Sesshomaru was looking at her again.

"I..." She raised a hand to touch her nose.

"Does it?" She whispered to herself. How does someone even notice that?

"I assume the half-breed still preoccupies your thoughts." Kagome hesitated, then sighed and looked down.

"It's stupid, I know." She muttered, bringing her knees to her chest. Sesshomaru stared for a moment, then glanced at the ground between them. She wasn't that far away, she seemed to always sit close to someone. Either A-Un, him, rarely Jaken but if she had to she did even when he complained. Clearly she craved some form of stability from those around her. Rin seemed a bit more independent than Kagome was, sure she spent time around the others but before Kagome showed, she'd be fine on her own when looking for food and such. Humans seemed to be rather diverse, or so he learned. He looked back up at Kagome, then let out a gentle breath as he extended his mokomoko toward her. It wrapped behind her back, making her jolt and look over, around her waist, and under her knees before carefully drawing her closer. She seemed startled by this, staying silent. His mokomoko moved to simply wrap around her loosely, shielding her from the night's cold air.

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