^Inuyasha 'n Sesshomaru^

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Tw: Mention of parental death, slight mention if parental manipulation, almost attempted murder, and bittersweet sibling bonding.


"So, the damned whore and bastard son survived." A beautiful woman with snow hair tied in risen pigtails, bright gold eyes, and a single squiggled magenta line on each cheek bone along with a crescent moon on her forehead spoke calmly. Her hands rested on her lap elegantly, fingers intertwined, leaning back against the back-rest of the large throne she sat in.

"Yet, he died, foolish mutt." She mocked, closing her eyes with a heavy sigh.

"Guess that makes you lord of the west now, boy." She opened her eyes once more looking at the young man before her. He was nearly a perfect copy of her, having long snow-silver hair resting down his back, honey-gold eyes, two straight magenta lines on each cheek and the same crescent moon on his forehead. He looked at the woman with a blank, yet dazed, look on his face making her raise a brow.

"Come now, boy, you should be excited for your new position. Do you really mourn such a fool?" He stayed silent for a moment then slowly shook his head.

"Good. Now, there's something you need to do. The woman can live on, she'll die in a few years knowing humans. However, that boy needs to die." The young man furrowed his brows a little at this.

"Sesshomaru, he's a disgusting mixed breed, of our species at that. If he lives on, people will discover him, it's a disgrace!" She slowly leaned forward, a serious look in her eye.

"Kill the bastard child, Sesshomaru, it is your duty as lord to protect our name." She then leaned back again closing her eyes once more as she waved her son off. Obeying her gesture, Sesshomaru left. Later that night, he traveled to where he believed his father's second love and his half brother were, and he was correct. Carefully landing on the windowsill, he peered down at the sleeping mother and baby. He never understood why someone as great and powerful would settle for... this. He wasn't hiding, he wasn't quiet, yet, she didn't even have the senses to notice him and protect her kin. What a lost cause, Sesshomaru figured. Stepping down he walked passed the woman right to the baby, standing over him for a moment.

'Looks just like father.' He thought to himself as he fell to a knee, his claws gleamed a yellow hue as he flexed them, ready to strike. That was until the baby opened his eyes looking up at Sesshomaru. They both stared at each other for some time, then, the baby closed his eyes again with a bright smile and a giggle. The yellow hue slowly faded, Sesshomaru's hand relaxing and lowering to his lap. Why did this defenceless baby laugh at the face of death?

"What are you, a fool?" His voice was soft, but telling by how the boy's animal-like ears twitched, he too had greater hearing than humans. Somehow wiggling his arms free from his swaddled position, his teeny hands reached out to Sesshomaru, eyes twinkling with want. The young lord furrowed his brows in confusion, never having experiences with pups before, he had no idea what this creature wanted. The boy made a mix of babble and whining noise, still reaching up at Sesshomaru, obviously growing impatient. With a heavy sigh, Sesshomaru reached out a single finger toward him, only for it to be immediately grabbed. Sesshomaru had to quickly curl his finger due to the baby, for some odd reason, attempting to stick a deadly sharp claw in his mouth.

"Idiot." The baby giggled once again before biting down on Sesshomaru's knuckle, well, not much of a bite when you had no teeth. Sesshomaru studied the boy a little, contemplating his next move. Was this tiny creature really a threat to them? Was his mother just bitter because her husband left her for this human woman? Then why did she say leave the woman, this baby had nothing to do with their father's actions. Hell, not even the woman did in the end, the late lord did what he did on his own will. So, why punish an innocent creature? Wouldn't that actually tarnish his name as a lord? With a heavy sigh, he pulled his finger away earning a pouty look only for him to gently grab each small arm to ease them back into the swaddle. He carefully stood up walking to the window once more, hearing the boy's babbling behind him in complaint.

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