^Sesshomaru x Kagome^

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That's that, Kikyo was back. Somehow, she was revived, the group didn't even know how but it happened. Of course, what's the first thing that happened? A tender, tearful kiss between her and Inuyasha. Of course, Kagome learned a while ago she had lost, her love for Inuyasha didn't matter. Yet, seeing her defeat right in front of her was... harsh.

"Kagome?" Sango's tender voice snapped the poor miko out of her thoughts?

"Hmm?" Kagome hummed, glancing over to see worried faces from her friends.

"Are you ok?" Shippo asked, his tail drooped with worry.

"I-I'm fine!" Kagome tried to play it off with a smile.

"Kagome, you're crying." Miroku pointed out reluctantly. Kagome froze for a moment, then bright a hand up to feel. Sure enough, she was.

"Ah- I- Well- It's-" She stuttered around before violently shaking her head and wiping them away.

"I'm fine, really." They all looked at each other, not buying it one bit. Yet, she never budged. So, eventually, they all returned to the village. Kaede nearly wailed as she embrassed her sister happy to see her alive and finally not suffering. Some of the other elderly that grew up with Kikyo also rejoiced, and somehow, a sudden celebration sparked up. Kagome, however, wasn't feeling the cheer the others did, no matter how hard she tried.

"That's right, you can sense the Shikon too." Miroku spoke up, making Kagome glance over.

"I can, yes." Kikyo spoke in a calm, even tone. She was so... perfect in every way.

"Now you have your true power back, we're way better off." Inuyasha added.

"It is good to know we have more resources, yes." Sango muttered, she also wasn't very well distracted by the cheer around her. She knew of Kagome's love for Inuyasha, and she also knew the heartbreak she was enduring at the moment.

"Naraku doesn't stand a chance!" Shippo cheered. Kagome finally got up and walked away, she couldn't take it anymore. That was that, she wasn't needed anymore. Tears began to well in her eyes again, at least this time she noticed them. She wanted to go home, she wanted to leave. If Inuyasha came for her, then fine, she'd come back. Yet, she knew deep down, it was unlikely that he would now he had Kikyo back. She made her way to the well, not thinking twice about her decision. However, one the way, she noticed something.

"Why does the sacred tree feel different?" Kagome whispered, looking up at the large tree in front of her. It felt as though its magic was nearly gone now, but why? Kagome slowly walked up, placing a gentle hand on the bark.

"Did... Did you bring her back?" Kagome asked, clearly not getting a real responce. Yet, it added up, that had to have been the reason. A wave of sudden anger washed over her as she hit the side of her fist into the tree.

"Damn you!" She snapped. She then crumbled to the ground, falling to her knees before sobbing. She knew already, and yet, it still hurt worse than anything she's endured so far. She had no clue how long she had been there, not until she noticed it was now night and no longer sundown. She reached up, trying to wipe her tears away, but they just wouldn't stop.

"The tree has been weakened." Kagome gasped and quickly looked over her shoulder.

"Though I doubt that is the reason for your sorrow."

"S-...Sesshomaru?" Why was he here? The demon lord should have no desire to be anywhere near the sacred tree, it was embedded with holy magic after all.

"I smelled that older miko on the way here, yet, she smelled whole once more. Knowing my brother, he jumped into her lap like an obedient mutt the moment he found out." Kagome parted her lips, the habit of defending Inuyasha rising yet again. Yet, nothing came out. All she could do was look away again. Sesshomaru watched her for a moment, then moved closer, now standing beside her.

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