~Inuyasha x Koga (Modern AU~

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Tw: hate fucking, rebound, and cheating.


"You... Kagome- I- what...?" A silver-haired boy stood dumbfounded by the scene in front of him.

"L-Look, it's not wh-"

"Bull! You just kissed the mother fucker!" Inuyasha finally snapped. The brunette slowly let Kagome go, confused by what was playing out, and honestly wanting to disappear.

"Well... Ok but it's not like it meant anything I was just-"

"Yeah, whatever."

"L-Like you care- you can just buy another girl if you wanted!" Inuyasha tilted his head a little in both annoyance and confusion.

"Buy another one?"

"You're just some snobby rich kid Inuyasha, you don't actually c-"

"Snobby? Yeah I have an attitude but I'm not snobby! What, did I say something wrong? Did I not text you back- is this how you've always perceived me?!" Kagome had a saddened look on her face now, the other male had casually slipped out of the situation, not unknown to Inuyasha, but at this point he didn't care.

"Well... no- but the girls made really good points on-"

"Ah, right, the girlies who met me once right? B-Because they know ssssoooo much about me compared to you- who's known me for years- that they can make judgments like that right?"

"They only want what's best for me!"

"Well I guess being single is best because I'm done, the bastard's already left- ain't no one want anything to do with you now. You took some stupid rumor or two from your little friends and reacted in the most absurd way possible by having some affair behind my back, so, congratulations. I'm done." Inuyasha turned walking away trying to quickly wipe his tears away.

"Inuyasha wait!" Her plea only fell on deaf ears. Meanwhile, Inuyasha couldn't bring himself to even go home, knowing his parents or brother, who occasionally stayed with them, would ask a million questions and he really didn't want to deal with it right now. So, instead, he went to the local burger shop hoping food could cure the ache in his chest.

"Yo." That was until a certain male spoke up, pulling out a chair and getting nice and comfy without permission. This so happened to be a long time frenemy of Inuyasha, Koga. He and Koga knew one another since childhood, they always competed in school, in sports, and even for Kagome.

"You look depressed, the hell got your dick twisted?" He asked before taking a mockingly loud sip of his pop, most likely his weird combo of fanta and Pepsi Inuyasha always gagged at.

"Kagome." Inuyasha barely muttered. Koga hesitated for a moment before sighing, and setting his cup to the side realizing this was most likely serious.

"What's up with her?" Koga asked, worried she was hurt or sick.

"Kissin' other boys." Koga sat for a moment, then raised a brow.

"And yes, I know it happened, I saw it. She went on trying to A, say it wasn't what it looked like, B, say it didn't mean anything, then C, finally told me it was because her little girlfriends convinced her I was some toxic snobby rich kid- but oh, they only want what's best for her, not like I only met them whores once in the three years me and Kagome have been together- not like I hadn't spent hundreds of dollars on dates, on gifts, even paying for her house and shrine renovations, her grandpa's hospital bills, hell I even paid for her brother's first date so he could swoon his little puppy love bs! Ah, but I'm just some snobby rich kid." By the end of his rant, Inuyasha was in tears, choking on his shaky breath and even gaining a few sympathetic glances from other customers who could easily hear him as his voice rose higher and higher.

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