~Sesshomaru x F!Human Reader~

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Tw: Rutting/heat, courting, animal like behaviors, outdoor activities, chloroform effect (changed to an herbal blend), and no protection.

Rutting is characterized in males by an increase in testosterone, exaggerated sexual dimorphisms, increased aggression, and increased interest in females.

For a bit of background, you're from the feudal era, a "medic" persay. So no, you don't necessarily fight, but you do fix the after math for the group which is how you met the infamous lord of the west. Even though he was Inuyasha's "enemy," you offered your help similarly to Rin which is when his interest in you first sparked.


"Was Sesshomaru acting weird to anyone else?" Kagome asked as the group sat to eat and take a quick breather.

"Yeah, he even avoided a fight with Inuyasha." Sango muttered.

"I know Inuyasha's the one who usually starts them, but Sesshomaru always finishes it. What happened?" Shippo asked, thankful he wasn't overthinking it.

"Keh, who cares?" Inuyasha grumbled.

"I can actually answer these questions- ah, well, not Inuyasha-sama's I'm afraid." Inuyasha peered down at his knee, sitting criss cross apple sauce, to see an all too familiar flea.

"You can?" Miroku asked.

"You see, from spring to half way into summer the Inu species goes through a mating season. Sesshomaru, finally being nine hundred, has officially reached sexual maturity meaning he's experiencing his first rutting." Myoga explained in detail.

"Uh-oh." Sango and Shippo spoke in unison.

"Huh?" Kagome and (Name) also spoke in unison.

"When male demons go into rut, they'll become very sex crazed, isolating themselves and a mate the entire season to breed at least once a day." Sango explained.

"Yeah, papa taught me that if you try to ignore it, it'll make you stop thinking completely and you'll do something stupid. He called it rutting blindness." Shippo added.

"Yes, it is usually best that a male, who doesn't intend to mate, is to isolate themselves for the time period if they wish to avoid any accidents. Inuyasha is prime example of this." Myoga suddenly added.

"Huh?!" Inuyasha shouted.

"A-Ah, yes, your parents did first meet under these circumstances. Thankfully, things worked out between them and, well, you know the rest of the love story." Inuyasha gawked. Not once did his mother admit that he happened over something like this.

"I suppose I shouldn't have mentioned that." Myoga muttered.

"Ya think?" Shippo asked.

"So uh, how long before the whole "rutting blindness" thing happens?" (Name) asked.

"Usually, ten days in is about the limit. I do hope his father went over that with him." Myoga said with a sigh. With that, the group dropped the subject. The next day, however, they ran into Sesshomaru again. They all planned to just leave him be... Well, they thought they did.

"Oi, bastard!" There went Inuyasha.

"Oh for kami's sake Inuyasha that's enough!" Kagome snapped only to be ignored.

"What happened to leaving him alone?" Shippo asked.

"We should have expected this..." Sango admitted. Sesshomaru clearly wasn't happy, snarling at Inuyasha and trying to walk away, but Inuyasha wouldn't let him.

"I said eno- SIT!!!" There was a loud slam and a pained noise. Inuyasha laid on the ground a bit in front of Sesshomaru.

"S-So, who's gonna get him?" Miroku asked, seeing Sesshomaru hadn't left yet. It looked like he was contemplating if he should kill him.

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