^Toga x F!Human Reader (Modern AU)^

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Part two of ~Toga x F!Human Reader (Modern AU)~ and reading this will give the context you'll need for some of this one.

Tw: Pregnancy

Also, an age is mentioned but I keep it open ended so sorry about that--


"What do I do?!" (Name) paced back and forth in her friend's living room in sheer panic. It had been nearly three weeks since she had her wonderful night with Toga, which that in itself is fine, but it took her that third week to realize something important.

"Girl, relax, the test ain't even done loadin'." (BffName) said as they watched their friend literally make a dent in the carpet as she paced back and forth.

"He planned to use a condom even before I asked, he even double checked I was on birth control- clearly this isn't going to end well!"

"Bitch you used a condom- why are we even doing this???" (Name) froze in place.

"I didn't tell you..." (BffName) raised a brow.


"The condom didn't condom correctly, it broke." (Name)'s voice shook, she was nearly in tears at this point.

"Ok, so, you used a condom but it broke, but you're also on birth control which is never a great guarantee. However, you're late by a SINGLE day and you're having a mental breakdown?"

"(BffName), you don't understand! This could literally ruin everything- I don't wanna loose him! Clearly he was trying to avoid this in the first place, he'll think I lied, get mad, and never speak to me again, then I'm a single mom who can hardly buy herself food let alone baby shit!!" (Name) finally plopped down on the couch, full on sobbing at this point. (BffName) sighed heavily as they carefully rubbed her back.

"If he does decide to leave, he better pay child support or we'll take him to court. Plus, I'll help too, I ain't gonna let you suffer alone. Oh! It's d... done." (BffName) trailed off as they stared at the pregnancy test.

"It's positive, isn't it?" (Name) asked with a shaky breath.

"And... this is the third one you took today, right?" (BffName) asked softly, remembering (Name) bursting through the door practically throwing two pissed on sticks at them in sheer panic, that's what lead to the third one.

"All three were positive." (Name) whimpered causing their friend to heavily sigh and lean back on the couch.

"Well... there's... there's always plan b?" (BffName) name asked uncertain if that was actually an option at this point.

"It only works up to seventy-two hours after sex, I looked it up." There was a long silence between the two, that was until a soft ding was heard.

"I don't wanna look." (Name) whispered already knowing who it was, no one else but him and (BffName) messages her after all. (BffName) took her phone, already knowing her password, and took a look for her.

"He apparently texted you an hour ago and is now worried because usually if you're busy you say one sec real fast and you didn't this time." (Name) didn't say a word earning a gentle sigh.

"Want me to rip off the band-aid?" Still no response.


"Nicely." With consent, (BffName) went to typing.

Hey, sorry for the sudden entrance. This is (BffName), a friend of her's, i'unno if she's ever mentioned me. She's at my place currently having a break down because her monthly is late by a day, which isn't a huge deal, but she's taken 3 tests today and each one is positive. Something or someone really wanted this thing to exist tellin' by how this happened (yes she told me the tmi). Before any accusations start, I can 100% confirm the birth control statement, we both got on it right after highschool because we were horny teens back in the day, but of course it's never a guarantee. So i'unno if you wanna call her but she's really not having a great time right now thinkin' you'll be pissed, so yeah...

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