Chapter One

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Blood washed down the drain, Liu gently brought his needle through each little hole in his cheeks, carefully replacing the old, dirty thread that had sat in his scars for so long. He winced as he accidentally scraped the needle along his gums.

Be careful, you don't want to damage your teeth.

"I know, I've done this hundreds of times before."

Doesn't seem like it, the way you're bleeding everywhere.

"I'm sure I wouldn't hurt myself as much if you weren't distracting me." Liu snapped, pulling his needle through the final hole in his face and wincing as he tightened the seam.

He gripped the handle of his cane as he felt himself lose his balance, coughing up blood into the sink, before straightening up and grabbing a wash cloth to clean the blood from his face and neck. Letting the sound of the running water wash over his senses.

He shook his head and pulled the elastic from his hair, letting it fall down over his shoulders. He pulled a clean mask from a box by the sink and put it on.

Liu sighed and turned off the sink, before grabbing his shirt and putting it on, buttoning it up quietly. His dirty blond hair fell into his face when he looked down. His polished black shoes made a tapping noise as he walked towards the kitchen to grab a drink, he still held onto his old, worn down cane.

He made his way to his front door, stopping only when he heard a loud thud come from the other side of his apartment. He turned his attention to the door between him and his next door neighbour, Sarah's, apartment.

Liu took a deep breath, limping towards the door and waiting, before he heard another thumping noise, louder than the first. He shuddered, before grabbing onto the door handle.

The door swung open towards him and his fell backwards, screaming in terror at what stood over him. His eyes were wide, and he barely noticed the pain from falling, because all he could focus on was what was standing above him.

"Who the hell are you?" The stranger, standing above him stared down at him, one hand holding onto the door frame.

"W-what are you?" Liu barely got the words out as the things claws splintered and dug into the frame of the door.

Liu screamed once more, watching this person (thing?) glare down at him. It wore a black hoodie, with stained bandages wrapped around its arms and a blue mask with two black circles where Liu thought it's eyes should be.

He got light headed as the thing started getting closer, and passed out at the sound of his cane snapping under the strange thing's feet.

Don't pass out you asshole! Wake the fuck up before you get us killed.

Liu's eyes fluttered open, he lay still in his bed, unharmed with only a bad head ache and evidence of a broken cane to prove that what happened was real. He sat up, taking a deep breath as he tried not to panic, he had no way of running away without his cane, he was a sitting duck where he was.

Liu's head began to hurt even more and his vision blurred, he grabbed his phone and played some music to ground himself. He then leaned against the wall and slowly pulled himself up onto his feet, checking the time.

Liu was late to a therapy session, he grumbled under his breath, knowing this meant Vince would be showing up any minute to harrass him. He won't believe me if I tell him what happened, he'll say I passed out and had a nightmare.

Liu knew Vince all too well, he didn't believe in the supernatural and was skeptical that anyone would be interested in stalking Liu of all people. This annoyed Liu a lot, but he couldn't seem to convince Vincent of anything, even though their government currently had laws banning magic users from most provinces and cities.

Liu slowly made his way towards the door, wincing in pain as he heard a loud knock at his front door. After that knock he heard something smash on the ground in his kitchen and he swiveled his head towards the noise. He spotted a polished black combat boot move into hiding behind the kitchen island.

"Come on in, Vince!" Liu called towards the door, before leaning down and grabbing his now broken cane. This'll show him.

Liu carefully limped towards the island, noticing little drops of some sort of black substance, he assumed it was ink. He heard Vince open the door and walk in and jestured for him to be quiet before he said anything.

Vince gave Liu a dumbfounded look, as he limped slowly towards the opposite end of the island, holding onto the handle of his broken cane, pointing the broken edge away from himself like a shield or sharp blade.

Liu peered over the edge, meeting eyes with the stranger wearing a blue mask, who quickly stood up and tackled him to the ground. Liu shouted and Vince came running, pulling the masked stranger off of him.

The next thing Liu knew, he was handcuffed to the stranger, and Vince was standing there looking proud of himself. Liu frowned, his green eyes cold like a rainy day.

"What the fuck?" The Stranger and Liu said almost at the same time.

"Well, I needed to cuff the guy to something." Vince shrugged, his copper eyes shone with mischief.

"This better not be one of your stupid pranks, Vincent." Sully growled, his voice was lower than Liu's.

"It's not a prank, Liu, I may be an asshole, but I'm not a terrible person, I know what's too far for scaring you." Vince crossed his arms.

"So you're just an idiot then." The masked stranger muttered, his voice was deep and intimidating, it was something Liu would imagine a bear or some other large and scary animal to have for a human voice. "You handcuffed me to the guy I was gonna kill and eat, you've done a good job for me."

Liu flinched as it pulled him towards itself, it's strength was inhuman, and it grabbed him by the back of his neck. He felt it start to squeeze as Vincent went for the cabinet that Liu kept his gun.

"One more step and I'll snap his neck." It's voice bellowed across the room.

Sully closed his eyes tight, trying to calm himself down as he heard Vince step away from the cabinet. The stranger loosened it's grip on his neck and began to back up, dragging Sully and Liu along with him.

"Now we are going to leave, and you are going to stay there until we're gone, and if I hear sirens coming close, this one becomes my next meal."

Sully looked up at Vince, who stood still as a statue as they backed out of the apartment, pain shot through his body as he was dragged along, unable to make use of his cane. He still had his mask on as he followed behind this monster, the sun was starting to set and he felt a chill run down his spine.

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