Chapter Thirteen

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"Just... smoke out the window or something please." Blue's shoulders dropped and Liu sighed and nodded.

"Fine." He put his pack of cigarettes away and went to sit down. "You're a pain in the ass, you know that?"

"Whatever you say, Mr. Woods."

Liu closed his eyes and clenched his teeth when he heard Blue call him that once more. He was only probably half a year older than Blue, yet he kept calling him "Mr. Woods."

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Liu rolled his eyes. "You just piss me off."

"You shouldn't have allowed me to become comfortable with you, now I have to be bothersome."

"I didn't choose this." Liu muttered and Blue laughed.

A loud thump made Liu jump, looking towards the window and just barely seeing a figure running off. He came closer to the window and saw a large hand print on the window, he growled underneath his breath and looked at Blue.

"This isn't some stupid prank, is it?"

"No, it's not a prank, someone actually just hit our window."

Liu went to open the window, but Blue grabbed him by the wrist, glaring at him.

"What now?" Sully growled.

"You should not open the window, there could be multiple of them waiting to strike." Blue let go of Sully as he took a few steps away from the window.

"How come you know so much about this place?"

"I think you know, Sullivan."

Sully's face dropped and he looked out the window once more, a figure slowly moved before vanishing once more, proving Blue's suspicions. He rolled his eyes and flipped his cane around before walking out of the room.

"Where are you going?"

"To alert the others that we're being watched." Sully looked back at Blue. "Come with me if you're scared of the dark." He sneered, and Blue quickly followed, his face took on an annoyed expression.

The Puppeteer and Zero were in the main hall talking to Sebastian and the man with the smile painted on his mask from before. Blue took the lead before Sully and stood quietly near the group until they took notice.

"There are..." Blue trailed off before shaking his head. "There are people outside, one of them slammed their hands on our window."

"It was probably Jeff trying to scare you guys or some shit." Zero rolled her eyes. "I know you hate this place, Bluey, but proxies aren't gonna-"

"That's been happening for the last couple of nights now, actually..." The man in the mask sighed. "When I was in my art room last night, I heard a thump against my window as well."

"I believe it's the masked children that you are speaking of, Helen." Sebastian sighed. "They're the reason we have a curfew in the first place, they get quite violent towards other monsters during the night."

"Masked Children?" The Puppeteer raised his eyebrows. "You're being terrorized by children?"

"They aren't children, that's just what everyone on this side calls them, because they were children when they started taking up territory." Helen crossed his arms. "I think Nina will have a better explanation, she's been on this side her whole life, she knows a little more about them."

"Speak of the devil." Zero muttered as Jeff and Nina came into the hall, Jeff looked extremely frustrated, whilst Nina was still holding onto his arm and talking about things she enjoyed, Sully recognized that he wasn't listening and tried not to laugh.

"I heard my name?" She finally let go of Jeff and skipped over to the group. "What do I know about?"

"Tell us about the masked children." Sully put his hands in his pockets.

"Oh." Her face dropped and she looked away. "Them."

"What about them?" Jeff chimed in. "I bet I could kick any of their asses any day, probably with my hands tied behind my back!"

"Yeah! Jeff could probably beat them all!" Nina beamed, she didn't seem as worried the moment Jeff showed any confidence.

"You're wrong-" Blue cut himself off and looked down, fidgeting with the zipper on his coat.

"Oh really, do you think you could beat me in a fight Mr. I'm British and better than everyone else-"


"What?" Jeff raised his eyebrows.

"I'm English."

"I don't think you needed to specify-"

"Shut up Jeffery." Blue snapped and turned to stalk off.

"Wait now." The Puppeteer quickly attached a golden thread to Blue, stopping him in his tracks. "What do you know that you're keeping from us?" He narrowed his eyes and they became orange.

"I don't think it matters, half of you are too full of yourselves to listen to what I have to say anyways."

Before Sully could chase after Blue, Nina shot forward and stopped Blue from leaving. Sully saw a light of determination and something that looked like she knew something the others didn't in her eyes.

Sully knew part of what she knew, but she knew something else as well. He watched Blue take a step away from her, giving her a look that didn't need him to threaten her and he turned around.

"We cannot fight head on against the Masked Children, but if we have patrol shifts and keep everyone in shape for battle if they attack." He sighed. "The banging on the windows is a warning that we should leave, but we haven't exactly got any other place to go right now."

Nina nodded, smiling before she pranced back over to Jeff, who not so subtly moved away from her. Sully noticed Jeff shake his head and straighten up.

"I don't get why you're so scared of them, we probably outnumber these guys by a lot."

"We do, but they have absolutely nothing to lose but their tortured lives." Blue muttered and stalked off.

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