Chapter Nine

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"So you aren't angry all the time-"

"Healing takes quite a lot of care." Blue sighed and narrowed his eyes at Sully. "It's mentally and physically exhausting sometimes."

"Oh." Sully frowned, before taking a seat, his body was tired from all of the walking he'd been doing.

Blue sat across from him, pulling out a clipboard and writing down notes. He had one green eye and one yellow, and they each glimmered as Blue furiously wrote down whatever he might be writing.

Sully tapped his fingers on the table, boredom ran through his hands onto the dark, Oakwood table. Blue grabbed his hands and glared at him.

"I do not care if you stim, but please be quiet about it, I am trying to work."

"R-right-" Sully pulled his hands away and Blue went back to writing whatever he was writing. He was quite rude to him, but it was hard not to look at him, he kept making stupid faces whilst he wrote and Sully had to try not to laugh.

His head whipped around as he heard frantic screaming outside and Blue shot up out of his chair, ran to close and lock the door and looked out of the window. Sully followed suite and looked outside, Blue shoved him to the ground as a rock smashed through the window.

"Fuckin found you!" The familiar voice of Toby came from outside and soon the door was kicked open. He wielded a pair of freshly sharpened hatchets and stood in the entrance. He had a small bottle of gasoline attached to his belt, a box of matches attached in the opposite side.

Blue immediately took a defensive stance in front of Sully,  kicking a lever under the table which popped a spear out at him which he caught and flipped around a couple of times. Toby giggled and shot towards Blue, swinging his hatchets for the English man's face.

Blue dodged under the attacks and tackled Toby, who reacted by slamming one of his hatchets into Blue's back. Sully quickly got to his feet and made his way to try and help him.

Blue did not even flinch when the axe pierced through his flesh and he slammed his fist into Toby's face, shattering his goggles. He stood up, watching Toby struggle to take them off, before he stepped forward and began to stomp down at his face.

The young proxy tried to protect himself with his arms but Blue shoved past him and continued to try and smash his head in. Sully could see Toby's bloodied face and tried to stop Blue, who seemed focused on trying to kill him.

He finally pulled him back and Blue gave him a wicked look before picking Toby's unconscious body up and throwing him out of the trailer.

Blue spun to look at Sully, grabbing him by the collar of the shirt.

"If you want to god damn live," he hissed, "I suggest you allow me to do what I do best."

"You won't kill me." Liu defied him, his green eyes blazing. "Pup would ring your neck if-"

"I don't give a shit." Blue threw him to the ground. "Now hide in one of these cabinets until I tell you it's safe to come out."

"No, I'm not hiding anywhere." Liu stood up. "I can take care of myself, you obviously aren't equipped to handle being around me."

Liu latched onto his cane and turned to leave the trailer, but Blue grabbed him by the back of the shirt and dragged him backwards. He struggled and cried for help, but he was too strong for him to fight back.

Blue shoved him underneath one of the small hospital beds and crouched down to look at him. "If you try to leave, I will stop you, one way or another."

Footsteps came up the stairs and Liu watched Blue spun around. All he could see were a familiar pair of black combat boots, but he was too late to warn Blue not to attack, as he'd already grabbed Jack and thrown him to the floor.

"Shit, what are you-" Blue pulled his mask off and threw it aside before punching him in the face, almost immediately knocking him out.

"Dammit that was Jack you idiot!" Jane's voice came from the entrance to the trailer.

"Well, good thing I haven't killed him." Blue muttered.

"Asshole." Jeff's voice came from behind Jane and Liu held his breath.

"Liu you can come out from under there." Blue sighed and Liu let out a long, annoyed sigh, before slowly crawling out from under the bed. "He's very difficult to keep safe, you know."

"Or you just scare the shit out of me." Liu muttered.

"I'm glad I intimidate you." Blue gave him a smirk and Liu got even more annoyed. What is wrong with this guy.

Liu held onto his cane tight as he took his place next to Jane, keeping a good distance between himself and his oblivious older brother. Jeff seemed more focused on Blue than anything else.

Jeff went to punch Blue, who quickly dodged under his attack and grabbed his arm, twisting it and pulling Jeff towards him. Liu watched Blue lean forward, inches from his brother's face as he whispered something to him and let him go, pushing him backwards until his feel to the floor.

Jane looked as though she was trying not to laugh, but Liu could see the look of pure rage on Jeff's face. He stood up, shook his arms out a bit, turned around and left the trailer.

I don't think I believe it... Sully whispered as Blue dusted himself off and picked Jack up by the hood, dragging him to one of the beds and carefully tucking him under the blankets.

"Aren't you going to heal him with your magic powers?" Jane sneered.

"He'll be fine without any magic." Blue sighed. "He really needs some mental rest and my abilities will interfere with that I'd say."

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