Chapter Ten

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Liu sat on one of the beds in the trailer, his back ached just as much as his head did. He watched Jack slowly sit up, the black substance leaking from his eyes was smeared across his face and Liu handed him a wash cloth.

Jack barely acknowledged him whilst he washed his face, growling under his breath. Liu realized quickly that where Jack's eyes should be, there was empty space.

"Where is my mask?" He huffed, standing up.

"Broken." Liu sighed, watching Jack closely as he kicked his feet slightly and stomped towards wherever Blue was.

"Hey, asshole." Jack growled and Liu slowly got to his feet to follow him.

Blue looked at Jack, his eyes sparkled with pain. It looked like he was in the middle of trying to heal his own injuries.

"Go back to bed, you should-"

"You broke my fucking mask and you have the audacity to try and tell me what to do?" Jack grabbed Blue by the hood of his coat and pulled him off the ground. Liu hadn't even realized how much taller Jack was. "I should eat you alive."

"I promise you I would not taste very good." Blue retorted, remaining calm as Jack got angrier.

"You think you're so funny, don't you?" Jack growled, black fluid leaking from his eyes and dripping onto Blue's face. He opened his mouth, revealing a row of razor sharp teeth. "Because I'm not-"

Blue kicked Jack in between the legs and he let go of him, taking a few steps back. Blue started to laugh and he wiped the little bit of black fluid from his face.

"What the HELL is so funny?" Jack snarled.

"Everything you think you are capable of." Blue rolled his eyes, turned around and went back to patching his own injury. "You underestimate everyone you go up against, probably because of what you are."

"Listen here, asshole-"

"I'd suggest you go back to bed, Jack." Liu murmured.

"Are you seriously siding with this guy?"

"I'm not siding with anyone, I just think you're getting too worked up and it's giving me a headache." Liu muttered. "Do what you will."

Jack cursed under his breath and went back to his bed. Liu took his place in a chair across from Blue, who seemed to ignore that he was even there.

They sat in an awkward silence before Sully spoke up. "Why are you so miserable all the time?"

"Why are you?" Blue narrowed his eyes. "I'd guess it's because of your brother actually."

"You're miserable because of Jeff?"

"No, you are, I couldn't care less about your brother."

"Next time make it more clear."

"I did." Blue retorted. "You're just an idiot."

Sully scoffed under his breath and crossed his arms, pouting like a child who didn't get what they wanted. Blue smirked at him and leaned across the table.

"What makes you want to know about me so badly?" He narrowed his eyes.

"Doesn't matter, you aren't gonna tell me what I wanna know." Sully rolled his eyes and scooted his chair back, to get further away from Blue.

Blue sat back in his chair, that smug look was still on his face and it made Sully want to punch him out, but it also made them want to know even more. Sully muttered under his breath and looked up at the English man across from him.

"If I tell you a secret, you'll tell me yours?" Sully watched Blue stare at him, he could see him calculating his response before he finally smiled at Sully and leaned forward.

"I already know all there is to know about you, Liu." He smirked. "I won't fall for some trick of yours, though I never thought you'd be the kind to try."

"Really, you know everything?" Sully smirked, just by Blue calling him Liu confirmed that he was lying.

"Unless you have some terribly dark secret behind those eyes of yours-"

"I can tell you something only Jane and I know." Sully grinned. "But only if you promise you'll tell me your secret."

"Fine, I'll take that deal, but are you sure you want to know?"

"I'm not a baby, I can handle whatever you throw at me!" Sully crossed their arms.

"Fine, you go first." Blue raised his eyebrows and crossed his arms and legs, allowing himself to relax in his space.

Sully shifted in his seat uncomfortably, he knew Liu was going to be furious with him, but he was too curious. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, preparing himself to speak.

"I am not Liu." Sully looked up at Blue, who gave him a puzzled look. "Well, Liu is also here, I am not him."

"You aren't now?" Blue narrowed his eyes.

"As you know, Liu and I have gone through a lot throughout our life." Sully took another deep breath. "So the brain decided it need more than just Liu to survive."

"Oh." Blue raised his eyebrows. "Ohhh okay that makes a lot of sense actually."

"The hell is that supposed to mean?" Sully growled.

Blue laughed a little bit, before his face fell and he looked at Sully. "I won't tell anyone, I know Liu would be angry with you."

"He would be." Sully sighed. "He will be."

Blue nodded and held out his hand for Sully to take. "Before you take my hand you-"

Sully took his hand without even listening and everything turned black.

A gunshot rang out as Sully stood at the edge of a clearing, he watched a man crumple to the floor. Blood leaked out from underneath his head and he looked up as he heard another scream. A little boy with ginger hair turned and ran, a masked stranger quickly running after him.

Sully watched before everything turned white and he appeared in a small van, watching a group of children argue, whilst the ginger boy stared at the wall, silent. The van stopped and they dragged the boy out and Sully then took space at the edge of a group of children.

The ginger boy was standing next to a little girl with a shaved head and a mask that was painted like a skull. The two were probably teens in this vision as the girl stepped forward.

A little boy at the centre of the crown of children took her hand and then fell to the floor, screaming in agony. Marks similar to the one on Sully's hand spread across his body before the child died. The ginger boy rushed forward to try and save the other child, but nothing seemed to work.

Then, Sully was brought to the next vision, the room was dark and bleak and the ginger boy sat on the otherside. He had that blue scar that Blue had on his face and he was staring through Sully, eyes wide and bloodshot. He coughed up a little bit of blood and then the visions ended.

Sully took a deep breath as he woke up. Blue was glaring at him with annoyance, he looked exhausted, Sully could only assume that doing that took a lot of energy.

"Does anyone-"

"Only I know about my past and now you and Liu as well." Blue stood up. "Now, I'm tired, memories take a lot of energy out of me."

"Maybe Pup can-"

"I will not be having any surprise therapy sessions with The Puppeteer, no matter how equipped he thinks he is." Blue muttered and headed towards the back of the trailer, where a bed was situated for him. "I'm going to sleep now, you should too."

WIDE AWAKE; a creepypasta seriesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن