Chapter Twelve

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The day was late when the circus was finally all packed up, and Liu was tired from staying up packing up medical supplies and then following Jack around all day as he brought down tents and helped carry food into vehicles. Liu watched as the clouds got darker and heavier, he shuddered everytime thunder struck.

He hoped it wouldn't rain on them all as they made their way to the new base. Liu jumped when he went to close a van door and there stood Blue, he'd managed to avoid him all day, yet here he stood, his yellow rain coat made him stand out in the gloomy weather.

"You think it'll snow?" He looked at Liu, he could see the agitated look on his face.

"Feels more like rain to me." Liu raised his eyebrows. "It's a little early in the season for snow, don't you think?"

"I suppose I was trying to be optimistic..." The Englishman shoved his hands in his pockets. "Where've you been all day?"

Jack took his place next to Liu, a brand new blue mask positioned on his face, it looked like it was made with metal, and it had a small nozzle at the front, it sort of looked like something you would attach a canister of oxygen to. The dark circles where his eyes would be positioned now had glass covers over them, tinted to block out any sun.

"He's been shadowing me, since you don't do a very good job at protecting him I thought I'd assume the role."

"Right, and how's that been-"

"It's time to go, get in the van." Zero called, before jumping into the front passenger seat, Liu hadn't even noticed her past the tension between Blue and Jack, though he was confused on why they hated eachother so much.

Liu took the very back seat, Jack sitting on one side of him whilst Jane took the other. Jeff and Blue sat in the seats ahead of them, whilst Pup took the role of driver.

Liu ignored Jane and Jeff bickering back and forth as they quickly neared their new base. Liu watched out the window as they got closer and closer to the ravine near the building they'd be staying in.

The van slowly pulled to a stop at the front of a run down old building with a large dog chained up in the front of it. Jane helped Liu get out of the back, whilst Jeff and Jack fought over who got to get out first.

Blue and Pup did a head count as the rest of the circus monsters arrived. Zero swung her hammer around, seemingly waiting for someone to give her a reason to use it.

The doors up front swung open and a man and woman stepped out. The man had dark blue and purple hair, bright red eyes and an uneven smile carved into his face. Liu's face dropped as he noticed the woman also had a smile carved into her own face.

She wore a lot of pink and she had pink streaks in her stark black hair as well. Her face was burnt and bleached just like his brother's, which confirmed for Liu that they were inspired by Jeff.

The second Liu's older brother stepped out of the van after Jack, she went sprinting past Liu, knocking him over and grabbing onto both of Jeff's hands. Liu watched her bounce up and down as she shook his hands and rambled on and on about who knows what.

Sully buried the base of his cane into the ground and pulled himself onto his feet. The blue and purple haired man walked up to him, helping dust his coat off.

"Who the hell does she think she is shoving me aside like that-"

"I'm Nina the Killer, Jeff Woods' number one supporter." She declared. "Be careful, the only reason you circus monsters get to stay here is because you've brought me my beloved Jeff." Her gaze turned sharp when it landed on Sully, and she let go of Jeff, who seemed even more confused than they were.

"She's fibbin', don't worry." The blue and purple haired man whispered to Sully. "My name is Sebastian, by the way."

"We should get inside before the Masked Children start patrolling over here." Sully looked up and saw another man, but he'd seen him before in Blue's medical trailer, he had black hair and icy blue eyes, but he wore a white mask with a bloody smile painted onto it.

"R-right-" Nina grabbed Jeff by the hand and ran inside, he gave Sully and Sebastian a look that screamed "HELP ME" but Sully rolled his eyes, smiled and followed the group inside.

The halls were lit well and it made Sully feel much safer than before. Everyone seemed to be calm and happy with the state of the inside of the building, even if it looked abandoned and run down from the outside.

Sebastian lead Sully to a room near the back of the building and opened the door to reveal a room big enough for two people, there were two beds as well. Sully knew people would probably have to share rooms because of there not being enough space for them all.

"So, who's staying with me..?" He looked at Sebastian, he was quite welcoming for someone with a smile carved into his face.

"Well, I thought you'd probably want a room to yourself, more space for your injured self to rest-"

"Don't fuckin patronize me." Liu growled past Sully. "This room is giant and I am small, I'd rather not have people annoyed with me for getting special treatment thank you very much."

"I thought maybe you'd need space-"

"I walk with a cane, the only belongings I have are my coat, two sets of clothes and a gun." He muttered. "Is there anyone who still needs a room?"

"I do." Blue stalked up behind him. "I'm sure Mr. Woods here won't mind sharing with me." Blue smirked.

Liu rolled his eyes. "Someone other than him."

"He's the only one without a room." Sebastian shrugged. "Can't have your cake and eat it too." He skipped off before Liu could reply with anything witty and he growled under his breath before looking at Blue.

"I'm starting to get the feeling you don't like me, Mr. Woods."

"Why are you calling me that?"

"It bothers you, that's why." He walked past him and into the room, two beds were set up across the room from eachother. "Which end would you like."

"Shut up." Liu muttered and walked past Blue, taking the bed on the right side of the room. He dropped his coat and his bag of things onto the bed, before walking out of the room. "I'm going to smoke."

"You can't smoke in here."

"Yeah, no shit." Liu looked at him. "I'm going outside."

"I don't think going outside at night is a good idea here."

"I'm not scared of Slendy and his proxies."

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