Chapter Four

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Liu woke up in almost as much pain as he had in the hospital after Jeff had tried to kill him. He felt a cast around his arm and sighed in exasperation, another injury, another day.

He pulled himself to sit up and looked around. Jack was sat in a chair, in the darkness, watching him, he stopped himself from screaming.

"So you're awake now?"

"Uh.. yeah..." The way Jack spoke to him was no longer in annoyance, but more of a neutral tone. "How long-"

"You've slept for about thirteen hours." Jack leaned forward. "What was that all about anyways?"

"It's none of your business." Liu growled, realizing he wasn't wearing his mask anymore, he touched his face.

"It's in the wash, and I made sure to clean your scars so they wouldn't get infected from all the vomit."


"You should probably brush your teeth though..." Jack looked up at the ceiling, his dark clothing made him blend into the darkness a little too well. Liu was uneasy at the sight of him.

Jack stood up and walked out without a word, his footsteps quieter than before. Liu breathed a sigh of relief, only to hear the door swing open.

"I've been waiting for that asshole to leave the room."

Liu's eyes shot up, Jeff stood in the doorway, anger burning in his eyes. His older brother came stomping towards him, Liu couldn't tell if he had a knife on him or not.

"Who the hell do you think you are, throwing up at the sight of me!?" Jeff seemed to be oblivious to who Liu was, his frosty blue eyes pierced through Liu's soul.

"I.. I-"

"Jeff what the fuck did I tell you about coming in here, Sully isn't going to get better if you're scaring him to death."

I told them our name was Sully, I didn't think you'd want them to know your name. Sullivan clarified before Liu could even question him.

Liu sighed and shook his head, before watching Jeff turn to Jack, his stance gave off an intention to fight the masked man, but he just growled under his breath and turned back to Liu.

"So, Sully, what's your issue with me, huh?" Liu's focus was on the sweater Jeff wore, it was not the same one he wore when he had butchered their parents. One of the sleeves was torn away and replaced with a black and red striped sleeve and the draw strings had spikes at the end of them. "Hey!"

"Huh?" Liu looked up, making eye contact with Jeff and stopping himself from screaming.

"You aren't even fuckin listening to me you asshole." His gaze burned through Liu like blue flames.

"Right.. um..." Liu took a deep breath. "I don't have a problem with you..?"

"Bull SHIT!!" Jeff grabbed him by the collar of the shirt. "Speak your mind, dipshit."

"You're just terrifying I don't know what else to tell you!" Liu cried, tears welling up in his eyes.

Jeff let him go and took a step back. "Right." Liu couldn't tell whether he looked satisfied or disappointed with his answer.

"Fucking. Leave." Jack got between Liu and Jeff. "He needs rest."

"Right." Jeff repeated himself, before quietly leaving the room.

What's his stupid problem??? Sully sighed.

"So.. how do you know him?" Jack looked at Liu, who looked dumbfounded. "I'm not an idiot I know you know him from somewhere."

"He's a famous serial killer.. of course I know OF him." Liu has had to convince people he and Jeff were strangers for as long as he could remember, he thought this would be a piece of cake to convince Jack as well.

"Fine, keep your secrets, but I'm onto you Sullivan." If Jack could smirk through his mask, Liu knew he was doing it right now.

Jack held up a tooth brush and toothpaste, the dark holes where his eyes should be almost gave off amusement. He put a little bit of toothpaste on the brush and handed it to Liu.

"Brush your teeth, spit in the trash can, I don't need you to stand up while you're this hurt." He began to walk away. "Once you're ready, I'll start training you as a proxy."

Liu brushed his teeth, spit out the toothpaste into the trash and lay back down, his green eyes watching the ceiling once more. He felt so light, he couldn't believe this wasn't a nightmare.

So now what do we do, do we just sit here and hope this all goes away or something..?

"No.. we'll have to deal with it until we can figure out an escape plan..." Liu sighed as he stared at the pale blue bedsheets he'd been sitting in. "I'm so tired..."

"I'm sooo tired too." Liu jumped as he heard an unfamiliar voice.

WIDE AWAKE; a creepypasta seriesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin