Chapter Two

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Liu's eyes fluttered open, his vision was blurry to the point he couldn't see in front of him and he could hear a loud, static noise, paired with a ringing sound burning in his brain. His head began to pound, and he had to close his eyes tight to try and calm down.

He looked down at his hands, noticing a strange mark on his hand. A tattoo of a circle, with an X over it. The static began to fade and he took a deep breath, his curly blond hair falling in his eyes before he reached into his pocket and grabbed a hair tie to pull his hair back.

He then realized the handcuffs were no longer on him and he looked around, he was completely alone in a small room that sort of looked like a hospital room. A cane similar to his old one was leaned against the wall in the corner, and he frowned, noticing that his mask was still on.

I could have suffocated..

He turned and got out of bed, his body still in pain. He could feel blood beginning to pool in his mask and coughed. The static came back and he stumbled to the floor, pulling his mask down and throwing up blood.

"Shit, shit, shit." He closed his eyes, only to hear laughter come from behind him.

He looked up and saw a man about his age with fluffy brown hair, wearing stripes brown mask and a hoodie with stripes sleeves. His amber eyes shot through Liu's soul like lightning, the way they glared at him.

"Can't handle the slender sickness?" He sneered as Liu slowly and painfully stood up, his legs shaking.

"Where the hell am I?" He growled, pulling his mask back over his face.

"Well I'd tell you, but-"

Tobias, I recall telling you not to bother our newcomer.

Toby's eyes widened and he stepped back out of the room. "S-sorry." He left the room immediately.

How have you adjusted? A tall, humanoid creature stood over Liu, it had no facial features and wore a black suit, it was as if it's body had been stretched to make it taller and more slim, and it somehow spoke inside Liu's head, like Sully did.

"A-adjusted..?" Liu couldn't help but cower in fear as it stared down at him.

You have a duty to complete missions as a new proxy, if you do not adjust, I promise my threats have not been empty.

"O-oh.. right..." Liu shuddered. "Yeah.. um.. whatever you say..." Sullivan what have you gotten us into this time??

Literally so much, this guy threatened to eat us, I kind of had to agree.

Liu looked up at the Slenderman and then looked back down, terror building up inside him as he sat on the floor.

I've already gotten a cane for you, and the other proxies will take turn training you until I decide you are ready to work on your own. You can meet your fellow proxies whenever you are ready to walk once more.

The thing left and Liu stayed sitting on the floor, tears began to well at his eyes and he closed them. He didn't know what to do, there was no way he could fight that thing, and he had no clue where he was, all he knew was that he was doomed to this place, with no way of escape.

Liu heard small footsteps skipping across the floor, as if a child were playing in the hall and looked up. A little girl with messy brown hair and a pink dress stood in the doorway.

"Hi!" Her voice echoed through the room.

"...hey?" Liu wiped tears from his eyes and stared back at the child. "What's a kid doing here..?"

"I live here, silly!" Another child ran past the doorway and she turned around to give chase. Liu sat watching, dumbfounded.

Liu pulled himself to his feet, pain running through his body as he made his way to grab his new cane.

"Hey." A familiar voice filled the room and Liu spun around. The man in the blue mask stood there, the black circles where his eyes should be still oozing that black substance. "Could you do me a favor-"

"Absolutely not."

"Come on!" It grumbled. "If I say I'm sorry will you-"


There was a loud scream from across the hallway, and the man spun around. "I'm Jack, by the way, now I have to go deal with Jeff." He stalked out of the room, his boots stomping against the hardwood floor.

Liu frowned, hearing the name "Jeff" brought back quite a few memories. He could almost feel himself holding onto his stomach to keep his organs in when he waited for an ambulance to come find him. He shuddered and tried to relax, Jeff was quite the common name, he couldn't assume every person named Jeff was his serial killer brother.

Liu shook his head and started for the door, almost immediately tripping into the hallway and falling to his knees. He was still in so much pain, he couldn't walk properly.

This place is a NIGHTMARE!! Sully's voice echoed through Liu's mind. I gotta tell ya, there's this weird short dude with blood coming from his eyes, and a fucking dog that's got human teeth, which is really weird in my opinion.

"You're one to talk about weird..." Liu mumbled, staring down at the ground as he tried to catch his breath.

Yeah, right, because I'm the weird one and not you, Mr. I hate everyone and everything and I want to die but freak out anytime anything happens!

"Shut the fuck up," Liu hissed, "I don't need to talk to your dumbass in front of strangers."

Liu began to cough, and put his hand over his masked mouth as he felt blood well up on his lips. He shook as a barking cough rose from his lungs. Liu shook his head, shit.

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