Chapter Eleven

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Liu woke up to a light shining on his face through the trailer window. It was still dark out, yet the light from atop one of the tents shone brightly. He rifled through his coat and grabbed a cigarette and his lighter before stepping out, clutching his cane as he made his way down the steps.

He stuck the cigarette in his mouth, before lighting it. Smoke billowed upwards and he inhaled too quickly, causing him to fall into a coughing fit, still holding onto the cigarette.

He looked up and almost fell backwards when he made eye contact with The Puppeteer. He dropped his cigarette and stomped on it before it could catch anything.

"What the hell is your problem!?"

"Shhh.. most people are asleep right now." Pup murmured.

"Okay..." Liu looked around. "Did you need something from me..?"

"Well, I came to check on Blue, but he's still asleep right?"

"Yeah, he is." Liu shoved his hands in his pockets. "I can give him a message-"

"No, I think it's best I tell him." Pup sighed. "But perhaps I should warn you in advance as well."

Liu raised his eyebrows, that deep sense of what now burning in his brain as Pup adjusted his coat. Liu crossed his eyebrows, he hated how chaotic everything was, but still somehow felt safer with Pup and his friends than in his broken down apartment.

"We're going to be starting to pack up the circus tomorrow," the grey man sighed, "it's getting far too cold to stay here and we'll be moving into a smaller area."

Liu shook out his coat and pulled out another cigarette, lighting it up. "So thats it, where are we going?"

"The far side of the city, it's closer to the woods which will make it harder to avoid proxies, but it's the only place with which we can turn into a base."

"And now for the fun part, what's Blue got to worry about?"

"When we brought Blue to the circus, he told us he wouldn't be doing any missions on that part of town, no matter how easy and quick they are..." The Puppeteer's eyes paled. "We aren't going to be on the side of the ravine he told us not to send him to, but it's quite close to the ravine, so I want to-"

"Fuck you." Blue leaned out the trailer window. "Not only are you loud and woke me up, but you want to bring me over there of all places?"

"Listen Blue, I know you might be scared of Slenderman but-" Liu stopped when he recieved an icy glare from the ginger.

"I am not scared of the Slenderman, he is pathetic and I couldn't care any less for him." Blue snapped at Liu. "It's an annoyance because we're going to be there and they're going to attack us constantly and I will have to try and mend injuries in the cold."

Pup shook his head and glared at Blue. "If that's the reason you don't want to go over there, I'm not too worried anymore."

"Yeah, yeah." Liu noticed Blue's voice shake, but Pup didn't seem to notice, so he shrugged it off.

Blue disappeared from the window and came out the door, his hair was still messy from him being asleep and he was wearing pyjamas and fuzzy socks. Liu had to try hard not to laugh as he hopped down the stairs and past him.

"I suggest we pack up as quickly as possible tonight and tomorrow." Blue stretched and looked at Liu. "And you'll help me pack up the medical trailer and supplies as quick as possible."

"Shouldn't we do that last-"

"We'll be keeping any essentials, but we'll be able to make it two days, don't you worry." Blue shook his head and grabbed Liu by the coat, bringing him back up into the trailer and taking his cigarette from him.

The low growl of Jack waking up startled Liu a bit, but not enough to make him jump like Pup had. Jack slid out of his bed quickly and stalked towards Blue.

The ginger Englishman stood unfazed as Jack grabbed him by the collar of the shirt, mumbled something to him and stalked out of the trailer. Liu watched him leave, slightly confused as to what he said, but decided not to pry.

Blue began to open up cabinets and pull out medical supplies, packing them into bags. Liu came to help him, grabbing small objects and putting them away, his hair kept falling in his face and he had to push it back.

"Get a hair tie or something."

"Don't tell me what to do with my hair." Liu muttered, packing the last of the bandages away into a bag.

"Hmph, alright." Blue rolled his eyes.

Liu glared at him before grabbing a container filled with assorted medical supplies and began sorting through it. He muttered under his breath as Blue leaned over him to see what he was doing.

Blue snatched up a package of pills and shoved it into a different bag. Sunlight began to pour into the trailer through the window and shone on Blue's face, it made it easier for Liu to see the worried look on his face, but he quickly shifted away.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Mr. Woods." Blue sighed. "You mustn't worry for me."

Liu frowned, before closing up the last tote bag he was packing and going back outside to finish smoking. He lit his cigarette, this time not choking on smoke as he did so.

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