Chapter Sixteen

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"I'm sure you can't." Blue looked at her, Reaper's hair was long and dark purple, braided back to keep it from getting everywhere. "Do you not have a medical team anymore?"

"Knight heals people if he feels they deserve it." She sighed. "It's not very often though."

"My next question." Blue narrowed his eyes. "Did you kill Liu?"

"No, he's alive, I can't kill him." Reaper sat in a chair near Blue, he noticed her own breathing was slow and heavier than it used to be. "If I'm being honest, I think that will be your job."

Blue frowned and shook his head. "I won't follow that order."

"I know you won't, but Knight seems to be dead set on turning the Woods boy into a monster."

"Knight?" Blue raised his eyebrows, fidgetting his hands as he felt around his steel mitts to try and figure out a way to break free.

"Knight is the one who gave Liu that mark." She narrowed her eyes. "I guess I forgot you left before he took over..."

"Took over?" Blue smiled. "So is the old man dead then?"

"I'm not." Blue's head whipped around, his eyes wide as the older man fell into a coughing fit, his eyes were bloodshot and he looked like he wasn't very far from dying. "And I suggest you-"

"That's enough now." Knight shoved the elderly man aside and walked around the table. "I don't think I gave Reaper, dearest, permission to talk to you."

Reaper straightened up, looking away from Blue and taking a more professional stance, her arms tucked behind her back. Blue's face dropped when he sensed the fear in the way his friend trembled, her stance not ready for an attack, but one that made her look small and unthreatenting.

He had to wonder what this Knight was capable of that made someone like her scared. But then again, he was sure he knew.

Knight's footsteps were delicate, as if he were avoiding being caught doing something he shouldn't everytime he moved. A stream of black liquid trickled from his mouth everytime he opened it to speak and his eyes were bloodshot with pain.

Blue realized very quickly that this was not Knight's body and that it was slowly rotting away. The rotting corpse that he possessed looked exhausted, but the tone in Knight's voice was strong and energetic.

Knight pranced past Reaper, before stopping near her. The young woman did not make eye contact with him, which made him even more angry it seemed and he grabbed her by the arm, digging his claws into her skin.

Deep red blood dripped along her sleeve and onto the floor, running along Knight's fingertips. He did not react with shock or pain like a normal person might, but his body's veins turned black and the eye which was glowing purple and black blew out of his skull, spattering blood across the floor.

Reaper took a step back, as if to try and avoid the blood. Knight began to cackle, laughing uncontrollably as if he'd just witnessed something out of a comedy. Once he caught his breath once more, he looked over at Blue, smiling wide before turning around and slapping Reaper across the face, knocking her mask off and shattering it on the floor.

"I suggest you clean that shit up." He spat, watching her kneel to the floor to clean up the broken pieces of her mask, a red mark was left across her face. "Isn't she pathetic?" Knight smirked, looking at Blue, who's face twisted in disgust at the monster's behaviour towards someone who he has grown to respect and fear in the same light.

Knight came closer to Blue, before hopping up onto the table like some sort of cat. He probably possessed an animal form like any other monster, but Blue couldn't picture what that would be considering the man was possessing a corpse.

Knight crouched down to make eye contact with Blue, his bright red eye glowing as he looked at him. The smile that spread across his face made him sick to his stomach, but he didn't quite know what to do to stop someone like Knight from smiling so horribly.

"I know we don't know eachother very well, but I have a feeling you're going to be the perfect host for me."

"Absolutely not." Blue raised his eyebrows, his yellow and green eyes glowing the colour of sprouting leaves in the spring. Knight scoffed and turned to look at Reaper, laughing a bit before turning to look at Blue and grabbing him by the throat, pulling him towards himself.

"I don't think I asked for your input." Black oozed from his rotting flesh and dripped down Blue's neck, the feeling made him want to vomit but he stopped himself. He finally got one of his nails in between the hatch and began to quietly scrape away at it so he could pick the locks later. "Now, how about I leave you here, let you have something to eat, maybe socialize with some of my guests before I not only take you but complete that Woods boy's transformation."

He let go of Blue's neck, leaving the gross black ooze to leak down his shirt. Blue took a deep breath and tried to relax.

"Reaper, I want you to go and get the rest of our captured guests that have arrived already." Knight ordered, before stopping next to her. "And if I catch anymore mistakes, don't think I won't kill you and replace you." He grinned, before stalking out of the room, Malachite following behind him.

Blue watched Reaper pick up the last of her broken mask and walk out of the room, not even giving him a second glance. There are others caught as well, guess that means I won't be escaping right now.. that's fine, I can handle a last minute change of plans...

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