Chapter Six

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Jane stood at the edge of the clearing, dawning a white mask with black lipstick and a long, black dress that reached down almost to her ankles. She adjusted her gloves and whistles for the attention of the arguing proxies.

"Could you four stop fighting and pay attention."

"There are only three of us." Jeff growled, not seeming phased by her attack.

"My bad." She rolled her eyes, looked at Sully and then at Jack. "I'm gonna be taking 'stitches' over here with me, it'll be less of a loss for Slendy if I take some newbie than if I take someone like you, Jack."

"I'm not really sure he'll come back for us-"

"I'll make sure he does." Jane grabbed Sully by the coat. "Now go back to your stupid Operator, 'stitches' and I will be in contact once everything is in place."

Sully glared at her everytime she called him stitches, he wouldn't argue with her though. Jane pulled the knife out from the tree she so rudely stabbed and began to lead the way out of the woods. Sully skulked behind her, his eyes more focused on the ground than on the path ahead.

"You know, Vince thought you guys were dead."

"Heh, probably for the best." Sully brushed his hair out of his face. "So, since when were you friends with a group of serial killers?"

"Since your older brother killed my parents and turned me into a human matchstick." Jane muttered.

Sully snickered a bit and caught up to her. What's the plan? Liu murmured.

"So, what's the plan exactly?" Sully repeated.

"We're gonna go find someone to get Knight's mark off of you first."

"Huh?" Sully looked down at his hands, the proxy symbol on the palm of his hand was melting and beginning to form the shape of an eye. "When did-"

"It doesn't matter if you agree to his plan or not, he chose you as his next victim and now you have to deal with it."

"Victim!?" Liu rushed forward. "Hey, hey, hey, I don't even know who we're talking about, I thought-"

"It's fine, as long as you don't fucking die between now and us getting that mark off of you."

"Why would I die?"

"You won't, the mark only gives Knight a little bit of control over you, but if you die he has complete control." Jane sighed as they stepped off of Slenderman's territory and re-entered city limits.

"Okay that felt way too easy..."

The forest began grow and Jane grabbed Liu by his jacket and pulled him along before he could be caught by any vines or branches. He huffed and puffed as they finally got to a safer space, trying hard to catch his breath.

Jane continued on, not waiting for him to follow as she set down an alleyway. Liu huffed and quickly followed after her.

They went out the alleyway and Liu found himself surrounded by people, it seemed like some sort of festival was taking place. The sound of carnival rides and excited children begging their parents to let them play games overwhelmed Liu and he lost track of Jane almost immediately.

Liu was knocked over quickly and hit his chest on the ground, he coughed violently and saw nothing out of the ordinary, just regular people walking along, ignoring him. Most people chose to ignore him when he fell, they couldn't be bothered to pay attention to him most of the time. He was a burden to everyone else.

He grabbed onto his cane and sat up, dust covered his jacket as he pulled himself to his feet. His legs shook as people bumped into him, he cursed as he was knocked over once more.

"Watch where the hell you're going!" Liu snapped at man standing above him, who rolled his eyes and continued on. The voices of people around became distant, as if he were far away, or surrounded by glass.

Liu pulled himself to his feet, watching a man in the distance slowly move through the crowd, coming towards him. Liu turned and began to try and slip away into the crowd, but everything seemed to get quieter and quieter, and the people were beginning to disperse.

"Fucking 'make sure you don't die.'" Liu mocked Jane, before tying his hair back and turning around. "What-"

The man had grey skin, and long, black hair that was messy and uncared for. His eyes and teeth were glowing yellow, but his eyes were becoming orange as he shoved Liu out of the way. He fell to the ground and watched the strange grey man punch someone in the face, knocking them to the ground.

"FUCK!!" Liu heard Vincent's familiar voice and sat him, coughing up a bit of blood. He watched the grey man hit him another couple of times before standing up straight and adjusting his jacket.

Liu could hear Vincent coughing violently and groaning in pain. He watched him try to stumble to his feet and fall down once more.

The grey man turned towards Liu once more, his eyes now a golden yellow that lit up the rest of his face. He held out his hand to help Liu up.

Liu smacked his hand away and got up on his own, before pushing past him to check on Vincent. His face was bloodied and bruised and he had strange black tattoos running down from his eyes, it reminded Liu of a bearded vulture.

"Are you okay-" Liu didn't get to finish a sentence as Vince jumped on him, wrapping his hands around his neck. Liu struggled as he tried to squeeze the life out of him, his eyes wide with terror.

Sully took control and immediately pushed his legs up to send Vincint of balance before grabbing his cane and slamming it into his face, knocking him out. He stumbled to his feet and took a long, deep breath.

"What the fuck!?" He glared at Vince, looking around, there were no more people other than the grey skinned stranger and Vincent. "How come we can't catch a fuckin break!?"

Sully leaned down and saw an extra mouth buried inside Vincent's neck, as well as in his wrists. He sighed and looked up, the grey man stood, silently watching him.

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