Chapter Seven

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"And what the hell is your deal, huh tough guy?" Sully felt rage bubbling up in his chest, he couldn't even look at Vincent right now, so he turned his attention to the grey man. "If you just stand there and don't answer me I'm gonna start kicking your ass too."

"Right..." The man's voice echoed across the carnival grounds and hurt Sully's ears. He didn't stop smiling as he shoved his hands into his pockets. "You're the idiot who went running up to one of Zalgo's little.. friends."

Sully sighed, before smiling and clenching his fists. "I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that, and I am going to leave here and go home." He turned around, and there was Jane once more, standing with her hands in her pockets.

"Having fun?" She smirked.

"I'd ask you the same thing, but I don't think you're capable of having fun." Sully sneered.

Jane sighed. "Hello Sullivan." She shook her head and looked over to the grey man. "You gonna introduce yourself or continue to scare him?"

"He's quite amusing when he's scared though."

"Haha, so funny, give Sully a heart attack." Sully turned towards him. "Who are you, again?"

"I'm The Puppeteer." He smiled wide and came closer, Sully could see very tear staining his face and one of his arms seemed to be made from wood. "Though most of my friends call me Pup!" He messed up Sully's hair before walking past him.

Sully's eyes lit up, a friend? He followed both Pup and Jane as they made their way towards a tent, Vincent was now back in his feet and fleeing the carnival like a dog with its tail between its legs.

The music from the carnival began to start up again, and people started to file in once more. Sully sighed with relief and entered a circus tent behind the two. The tent was much bigger than it looked from the outside, and it was filled with various magic users all there to see the show.

A man with ginger brown hair and a yellow jacket was doing magic tricks for the younger audience whilst a tall clown entertained all the others. Sullivan swallowed hard, fear bubbling up before Liu took his place.

He followed behind Jane and Pup, weary of his surroundings. He began to notice a man with red hair coming up behind him and tried to ignore him.

They entered a small room hidden by a trap door behind the circus tent, there sat a woman with curly white hair with a black and white striped scarf around her neck. The man with the long red hair followed them in.

Liu studied the man closely, he wore a top hat and had coat with fur and feathers lining it. He had triangular tattoos coming down from his right eye and then some down his neck.

The man sat next to the white haired woman, who seemed to subtly slide away from him, an annoyed look on her face.

"Is the new guy here!?" Another woman's voice called from behind them, and a woman with brown hair came running in, she had a clock where one of her eyes should be, and a smile sewn into her face.

"I'm not joining any teams." Liu muttered.

"We aren't a team, we all just agree that we work well with eachother, I'd say we're more of friends with benefits than anything." The red haired man spoke up, he looked confused when the white haired woman burst out laughing.

Liu frowned, looking over at Jane. She snickered as well, before pulling her mask off and sitting down, Pup joining the rest of them. Liu followed the woman with the clock eye and sat next to her, she smiled at him, before flipping through a notebook picking up her pen.

"So we need a little help, I'm sure you've all had an.." Jane narrowed her eyes, before continuing, "experience with the Slenderman."

Pup sighed, his yellow eyes paling. The white haired woman got an annoyed look in her eyes, whilst the red haired man crossed his arms, a squeak sounded from inside his coat and he looked down.

"I thought we were here to remove the mark from my hand." Liu muttered.

"We'll get to it."

"I can remove it right now for you." The white haired woman smiled. "Give me your hand."

Liu went to give her his hand and Pup grabbed his arm and shook his head.

"Trust me when I say, do not ever do anything Zero says." He said sternly.

Zero rolled her eyes and kicked the table, knocking one of the legs out, Pup went to stop it but it fell and anything on top of it went down. Sully had to stop himself from laughing as the two began to argue with eachother.

The red haired man stood up and picked up the broken table leg. "I swear the next time you guys break my table I'll be shoving you both in a vat of melting wax."

"I didn't touch your table!" Pup huffed, crossed his arms.

"But you provoked me, so that's enough to put you at fault." Zero shoved her hands in her pockets, but then grabbed a hammer and Sully took a step back.

"If you hit Pup with that hammer right now I-" Jane shut up, Zero was already mid swing, Pup narrowly dodged the attack.

Sully sighed, pulled the gun he had out of his pocket, pointed it at the sky and pulled the trigger. He watched everyone turn to look at him.

"Everyone shut up for like.. ten minutes." He muttered. "We need to rescue our friends from The Slenderman and remove this stupid mark from my stupid hand so let's figure this shit out."

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