Chapter Seventeen

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Blue watched as Reaper and Phoenix brought in Knight's "guests" through the doorway. Phoenix helped Liu, having one of his arms around their shoulders as they helped him to walk until they sat him in a chair. Liu looked and sounded like he was breathing heavily.

The lights along Phoenix's mask flashed a couple times and they walked out of the room. Reaper seemed to be dragging a very unconscious Eyeless Jack.

Blue had forgotten just how much bigger than the average person Jack was until he saw him next Reaper, who wore heels that brought her above Blue's height for the entire time he'd known her. But it was still odd, watching Reaper struggled to put Jack in his chair and lock him down, he could tell she had gotten weaker.

Blue turned his attention to Liu, who's hair had dried blood in it and was much too short to put in a ponytail anymore. He remembered watching Sully struggle to get free of Spider's grip on his hair while still bleeding out, only able to think about cutting himself free in the moment. He wondered if Liu knew what had happened or if he was unaware of how much damage he'd really taken.

Reaper stomped out of the room, her heels tapped loudly as she walked through the halls. Blue heard the scrape of Spider's limbs along the walls and perked up, wondering who was next to be brought it.

Then he heard the struggle and the kicking and screaming of Zero, she cussed quite a bit as Spider entered the room, holding her off the ground as he brought her in. The low static of Phoenix coming up behind them, he was sure he heard a familiar voice with them.

Then he watched the proxy, Tobias, fall to the ground and quickly struggle to his feet as Phoenix came running in and trying to grab ahold of him. They both wrestled on the floor for a few minutes whilst Spider locked Zero to one of the chairs.

"LET ME G-GO!!" Toby punched Phoenix in the snout of their mask and it unlocked, causing them to fall backwards as smoke billowed out of the mask. Toby got to his feet, looking proud of himself before Spider picked him up from behind and threw him into one of the chairs, locking him down.

Phoenix snapped their muzzle shut once more and locked it, looking dazed as they got to their feet and brushed soot from their clothes. They shook their head and glared at Toby, who glared back, before leaving the room.

Reaper entered the room once more, trailing Jeff behind her, who had his arms chained across his body, the burns along his face looked even more painful than usual. Spider let out a long sigh and left the room, their limbs retracting into his back.

Blue looked around as Reaper locked Jeff into his seat next to Liu, who seemed in too much pain to care about his brother.

"So this is everyone?" Blue raised his eyebrows, wondering whether his old friend would still ignore him.

"No, there are two more, they just haven't arrived just yet."

"I see." Blue looked up, taking a deep breath to try and keep himself calm. It seemed as though panic was finally sinking in as he sat in the chair, watching Liu get more and more exhausted looking, it was possible his wounds opened back up, if they'd even been stitched up in the first place.

Phoenix re-entered, the jarring sound of chains scraping against eachother made Blue look at them. The Puppeteer floated above them, his eyes resembling raging flames as they burned orange, he was trying to pull himself free, but it was quite obvious the chains attaching him to Phoenix were silver and there was not a lot of chance for him to escape.

"Are you wearing weighted boots?" Zero glared at them, Pup still trying to pull free.

"How... Upwards..." Nothing Phoenix said was comprehensible, Blue assumed there was some sort of glitch with the voice box in their mask, which also explained the amount of smoke that came out when it opened up.

"...What?" The Puppeteer looked down at the exhasperated Masked Child, who simply went and sat in one of the chair closer to where Knight would probably be sitting.

Blue sighed, trying to make himself relax, but it didn't last long as he heard Nina's screaming and shouting as Spider carried her into the room. He dropped her into a chair and struggled to lock her in.

"What do you want with us!?" She cried, trying to break free, the bottoms of her shoes sliding around the floor as she continues to thrash around.

"It's not my business-"

"Why of course it is my lovely Spider!" Knight entered the room, his eyes shining as he scanned over the room. Blue tried his best not to make eye contact. "Now you three had better go and get well dressed.. or two, it seems Phoe is a little preoccupied."

Phoenix let out an unintelligible grunt before tugging at the chain attached to their arm. The Puppeteer glared down at them, anger and frustration was something Blue did not see in the grey man very often but when he did he knew to steer clear of him.

"Oh, and Reaper." Knight turned to Reaper, who straightened up, showing herself as alert. "I'd suggest you get something to cover that.. unsightly face of yours, I don't want to see it whilst eating dinner, you're pathetic enough with the mask on let alone off." Knight's smile faded when Reaper didn't react in shame and instead simply nodded and walked out of the room, Spider following quickly after.

"That was cruel." The Puppeteer finally grounded himself and sat next to Phoenix.

"I don't think I asked for your input, puppet man." Knight sneered. "Plus, she deserves everything she gets." He grinned and skipped out of the room without another word.

Pup frowned and looked around, before resting his eyes on Blue at the head of the table.

"Don't look at me like that, I don't have a plan and even if I did, Phoenix is still sitting right there."

"Right." The Puppeteer sniffed, shooting Phoe an annoyed glare.

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