Chapter Nineteen

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"You have a lot of nerve getting back up after that one." Knight hopped down from the table, Blue could barely focus on him as he stalked towards him. "Maybe that makes you the perfect host for me though."

Knight's eyes lit up, glowing like bright lights against his dark hair. He smiled again and his hands began to glow as well as he began to reach for Blue.

Blue tried to stumble backwards, but didn't have time before Reaper shot forward, shoving Blue onto the ground and taking the blow from whatever spell Knight would cast.

Next thing Blue knew, Knight's body crumpled to the floor, black, rotting blood oozed from his body as it lay limp on the floor. Blue watched Reaper straighten up, taking a step back from Knight's rotting corpse and looking around. Her eyes were changed from the deep green they once were, to having one red and one blue eye.

"YOU BITCH!" What Blue thought was Reaper slammed it's hand down on the table, which immediately began to rot and decay until it was piled of maggots on the floor. Blue now had an idea of what was happening, Knight had possessed her instead of him.

Knight glared around the room, his eyes glowing bright. Masked Children shifted in their seats uncomfortably, whilst Blue's teammates looked at eachother, fear began to rise in their faces, but no one said anything.

Knight began to laugh, black veins spreading across his face before he shook his head and adjusted himself.

"I get it now.." He smiled, before grabbing ahold of Reaper's bowstaff, which shocked him and he dropped it with a yelp. "The fuck."

Blue got to his feet, he watched Liu slowly waking up as he did so. He turned his head towards Pup and nodded at him, as if to convince him to literally do ANYTHING to cause a diversion.

The Puppeteer took this as the perfect opportunity to grab ahold of Phoenix's mask and pull it off their face before throwing it across the room, hitting Knight in the back of the head. Knight whipped around, looking down at the mask which sparked and short circuitted with smoke rising from the inside, which quickly blew up, sending pieces of metal flying everywhere.

"In my defense, I didn't know it would do that..." Pup muttered.

Knight pulled pieces of burning metal from his arms, whilst Blue made his way along and broke Eyeless Jack free, whilst Pup argued with Phoenix about whether or not they should let him go. Shadow got to her feet, orange eyes glowing before glaring at Phoenix, who rolled their eyes, nodded and cut The Puppeteer loose.

Pup quickly got to Zero and loosened up her bindings, which she quickly broke free of. Knight shot towards Blue and Jack, grabbing a piece of sharp metal off of the floor to swing at them both.

Blue dodged, falling backwards, whilst Jack took the hit, before growling under his breath and swiping his sharp claws at Knight. Knight dodged quickly, before grabbing Jack by his arm and breaking it.

Jack cried out before falling to the floor, holding onto his broken arm, black fluid streamed down his face as he bared his sharp fangs.


Liu slowly woke up, his head ached like he'd been hit by a truck and the light around him hurt his eyes. He heard fighting all around him and slowly got to his feet, his legs shook as he stood without his cane and his eyes finally adjusted.

He saw Zero next to him, undoing the binds around Jeff and Toby, whilst The Puppeteer freed Nina not far from them. His vision blurred once more as he stumbled away from his seat.

He shook his head, trying to focus through the pain of walking without his cane as well as what felt like blood leaking into his eyes. He wiped it away and looked around, there lay Blue on the floor, obviously in a lot of pain, whilst the woman with purple hair stood over him and Jack.

Liu shook his head once more before stumbling towards them.

"H-Hey!" He called towards them and Knight spun around. It became obvious quickly that Knight had somehow taken the place of the woman, his eyes made that clear.

"Of course you choose now to wake up." Knight hissed, and took a step forward only for him to cry out in pain as he was grabbed from behind by Blue.

Liu heard Blue say something, but he couldn't quite understand it. He could tell the Englishman's jaw was in a different position than it should've been and leaked blood everytime he tried to move it.

Blue covered Knight's mouth with his hand and Knight struggled before a bright flash of light spread across the room and he dropped Knight on the floor. Liu fell backwards, the light hurt him and made it even harder for him to get up.

Jeff ran up next to him and grabbed him around his waist, picking him up and throwing him over his shoulder. Liu tried to struggle but didn't have the energy.

"Come on, we don't have time for this right now."

"What, but what about-" Liu tried to look back at Blue, but they were already out of the room before he could see anything.

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