Chapter Eighteen

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A woman with long, straightened black hair entered the room, the tap of her heels allowed Blue to get an idea of who she was. Her long, dark blue dress and orange eyes made it even more obvious to him and he had to look away.

Shit, shit, shit, she's here- wait fuck.

"Lost your ability to distract your mind from me, Blueblood?" The smirk on her face told him everything, she was exactly the same as she was the last time he'd seen her, which made her deadly dangerous. "I suppose you don't need to say anything to me..."

Phoenix seemed to roll their eyes and sit back in their chair, a glitched sigh sounding from their mask.

"Now, now, Phoe, don't think like that." The woman narrowed her eyes, before sitting in a chair near the opposite end of the table from Blue.

Cat stormed back into the room, better dressed with the wound in his eye stitches up and bandaged. His mask must've been taken from him at some point to prevent it breaking, and it showed the freckles that dotted across his face matched with his larger copper eye and formal wear which Knight clearly forced him to wear.

He looked less intimidating and more like a pathetic kitten who'd just been pulled out of the bath, still not quite dry. He turned his attention away from Blue, indignantly, before stomping over and taking a seat next to Jeff, who tried to scootch away but quickly realized the chair he said in was metal and screwed to the floor.

Liu seemed to readjust himself in his chair, still obviously bleeding out and trying not to pass out. Blue hoped in all his heart that one of his former teammates would get the hint and help the Woods boy, but it was difficult to catch any attention from any of them.

Spider and Reaper came in soon after, Reaper wore a long dress decorated perfectly to match her, and if she didn't look so uncomfortable Blue would believe it did match her, but Reaper wasn't the dress wearing type. She wore mask covering her mouth and nose, and continuously pulled at the straps of her dress with indignation before she sat down, taking her place next to Zero, who gave her a glare sharp like daggers.

Spider sat almost directly next to Blue, only Jack, who was now waking up, was between the two of them. He wore a dress shirt and a poorly tied tie around his neck, but he didn't seem to lack any confidence in what he was wearing.

Knight skipped into the room and lit up like a kid on Christmas morning before making his way to his seat. Liu looked barely conscious and Shadow, the woman with the black hair, spoke up.

"Knight, the Woods boy is looking a little pale..." She leaned back in her chair to look over at Liu. "I think maybe he should have some medical attention before we get started-"

"You are SO right Mindreader!" Knight got back out of his seat and took a stroll towards Liu, a smile spreading across his face. "I wouldn't want him to waste away before dinner."

Liu looked up at Knight in terror before the man grabbed him by his hair and slammed his face into the table.

"NO!" Blue cried, trying to force his way out of his chair, but he hadn't quite picked the lock yet.

Knight began to laugh harder as he bashed Liu's face into the table over and over again. Blue watched with wide eyes before Knight finally let go of Liu, allowing him to slump down in his chair, red blood leaked down his face and onto the floor.

Blue could barely make himself breath as he watched Liu twitch slightly before finally going limp. He looked back up at Knight, who smirked like he was proud of himself and began to skip back over to his seat. His eyes picked up on the movement to Shadow, who pushed herself out of her chair and made her way over to Liu to check his vitals.

It didn't matter what she could do, Blue knew that Liu was marked by Knight and that it was only a matter of time before he woke up once more, no longer human.

The woman looked over at Knight, who sat with his legs crossed and a smug look on his face. She hissed under her breath and looked towards Blue, who barely noticed her through his shock. She stalked back over to her seat and muttered something to Knight, who seemed to ignore her.

Blue tried to calm himself down and scanned the room. Jeff sat staring at Liu like a deer in headlights, his eyes so wide with terror, Blue wondered if he somehow was triggered into remembering his brother.

Hands slammed down onto the surface of the table, and Blue's head swung to The Puppeteer, who stood up with a burning rage in his eyes. His dark hair almost floated along with him as began to speak.

"How much of a coward do you have to be to target the weakest of us, like it's some sort of joke?" He began, orange light sparking from his face. "All it does it make you look weak, which I have no doubt you are, because someone strong and powerful would not go out of their way to hurt someone so innocent as-"

"Weak?" Knight raised his eyebrows before jumping up onto the table. "You think I'm-"

"We all think you're weak." Blue interrupted.

"Did you just interupt me?"

"So what if I did, you aren't the boss of me." Blue finally picked the lock to his restraints, getting read to push himself out of his chair. "All you are is some small little creature who needs to rely on others to keep your power, that's why you possess that body, right?"

Knight burst into laughter, making his way over to Blue. His body seemed to be almost falling apart as he walked towards him.

"I assure you, Blueblood, I am NOT weak." He smiled.

"Right, and what strength do you-"

"SHUT UP ALREADY!" Knight punched Blue in the face, bending the steel chair he sat in backwards and sending him sliding across the floor. His bindings scraped down his arms as they opened and he hit the wall.

He coughed up blood that bubbled a purpley blue colour that stained his clothes. His head spun as he tried to move, but he could barely see as his vision blurred.

Knight laughed as Blue began to try and stumble to his feet, the fact that he was even able to move was impressive on its own, but the fact that he got back up after a hit like that made him scary. He stumbled forward a bit before holding his ground, blood leaking from his broken jaw.

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