Chapter Eight

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"Now, now." Pup sighed. "We're getting to that, everyone's just a little worked up right now."

"I sure as hell hope they are." Sully growled. "This Slenderman guy can just do his little effect on anyone and then manipulate them all he wants and it seems like all you guys can think about it how the others will bother you."

They all looked at eachother, Sully smirked when they stayed quiet and continued, first by trying to lay out a plan. He watched each of them look at eachother, studying them, hoping to get an idea of their personalities.

It seemed Zero was the angry, quick tempered type, Sully thought maybe she'd make a good distraction in an attack. Jane was quiet and smart, he knew her very well since they'd been friends for so long. Pup seemed more mysterious than anything, Sully couldn't quite get an idea of how he truly was. The clock eyed woman had barely said anything to him yet, so he really couldn't find any idea of herself and the red haired man seemed useless to him, all he seemed to do was whine about his table so far.

"I think we should attempt to get that mark off of you before we do anything else..." The Puppeteer interrupted Sully's thought process. "I'm sure Blue might know what to do about it."

"Who the hell is Blue?" Jane looked at Pup, her eyes narrowing.

"He got here while you were away on your last little road trip." Zero sighed. "He fucking hates everyone, I doubt he'll help."

"He has trust issues, but he doesn't hate us." The clock eyed woman murmured.

"Shut up Clockwork." Zero growled.

"He's helped heal my injuries before, I'm sure he'll be able to help Liu." Clockwork glared at Zero before turning to Pup. "Do you want me to go and get him, I think he should be wrapping up his little magic show right about now."

"Of course, I'll appreciate his incite into this matter." The grey man nodded and Clockwork quickly stood up and left.

Sully looked at Jane with skepticism and she gave him the same look. The twisted burns on her face always reminded him of Jeff, but he had to keep himself calm for his friend, she was not like Liu's brother.

Liu looked around as a man in a yellow, puffy jacket walked in. He had ginger brown hair and two different coloured eyes, and a blue scar on the edge of his left jaw, it kind of looked like a lash mark from a whip.

"I've been told someone is in need of some of my 'special magic powers' and I must come right away." Blue snickered, immediately focusing on Liu, who felt almost stunned by his gaze. His ginger hair curled softly along his face and almost covered one of his eyes and Blue seemed to have a blazing affect that made him need to keep his eyes on him at all times.

"You've been marked by him, haven't you?" He narrowed his eyes and Liu swallowed hard, before nodded, he caught a confused look from Jane. "Then I can't help you, if I try to heal you at all, you will die." He sighed and turned to look at Pup.

Liu's eyes widened and he stepped forward. "What!?"

"I'd suggest you have someone watch him, if he gets injured too badly we won't be able to tell if he's died and completed the transformation."

"Are you kidding me?" Liu looked from Pup to Blue.

"Then why don't you guard him, since you know so much." Zero suggested without missing a beat, and Blue turned to glare at her.

"I'm busy enough without having to babysit."

"Zero has a point though..." Pup sighed. "I think you should watch him, Blue."

Blue glared at Pup, shook his head and looked at Liu. "If you get in my way, AT ALL, I will kill you myself and sabotage you into completing that transformation."

"What the hell?" Jane looked at Blue. "Are some sort of idiot-"

"I do not give a shit about what you have to say." Blue looked at her. "The only real reason you're friends with him is in hopes that he'll bring you to the Woods boy so you can finish him off."

Liu gave Jane a hurt look, before looking at Blue, his gaze sharpening on him. He was obviously miserable and Zero was right, he seemed to hate every single person there. Liu looked at Pup in hopes he would change his mind, but he just gave him a pitiful look and shrugged.

"Well then, next we figure out how to rescue Jeff and Jack I guess..." Liu murmured.

"You should get to know a few people here for a few days before we do any planning." Blue suggested. "You won't be able to tell who needs to do what if you don't know people." He began to leave the room, stopping only to look at Liu as if he were crazy for not following him.

Liu looked over at Jane and Pup and they both nodded, before he turned and followed Blue. As he got more and more stressed, his vision blurred and Sully came rushing out to keep him safer.

Sully walked silently beside Blue for a while, they walked towards a larger trailer at the edge of the carnival which had a large red cross painted on it. Blue entered Sully followed quickly behind.

There sat a man with short black hair, wearing a blue jacket. He sat quietly as Blue walked up and grabbed his arm to check a wound along it.

"You're going to be fine, I'd suggest you return to your own trailer and have a rest." He spoke softly this time, his gaze was also much kinder now that he was actually helping someone.

The black haired man stood up, thanked Blue in a language Sully thought might be Korean and left quickly afterwards.

WIDE AWAKE; a creepypasta seriesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें