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My newfound friend outside my window lullabied me to sleep. The sound of the running water kept me sane within my thoughts and saved me from the terror that was the night. I left my new strange bed cold as I slept in a chair, close to my companion. My mother kissed my cheek and held them in her warm hands, bringing me life. She whispered how I shouldn't sleep there but I was afraid I couldn't fulfil that wish of her, that time. My friend was too captivating.

It was a cold morning. The fog creeped through the trees again just as the sun peeked thought the horizon. The man and Isaac were already at our house, my father was dressed, and I could only guess they were waiting for me. I wanted to hurry, not to be a nuisance, but my mother didn't let me leave without eating breakfast.

I was excited to hunt. Not only that, but to be around them. I wanted to know more, because now that I knew, knowing wasn't enough.

My father and the man were talking at the entrance, while Isaac waited outside in the cold. I wondered if he didn't like people, or just me.

The man acknowledged my presence with a smile as my mum put a jacket over my shoulders. I averted my eyes from him, and my mother whispered in my ear to say hi – her hot breath against my ice skin almost made it crack. I was forced to look back at him and smile.

I put my arms through the jacket sleeves and stared at the front door, which caught the man's attention. He told me to go outside, that Isaac was there. But I already knew that, knowing that he was there was what made the door so intriguing.

He probably didn't want me close to him. To confront him – or speak. But I wanted to know him and his world. I wanted him to tell me his nightmares and dreams – to tell me his heart. Except, my place in his life was dictated by the frown on his face when he saw me. His roaming around was halted when he saw me. His face turned into stone as he saw me. His hands balled up into fists as he saw me. His lips pursed as he saw me. His eyes sneered at me as he saw me... he saw me.

I stood in the doorway while I realized he wouldn't tell me a thing. His lips would never let escape the secrets that I craved.

A cap covered his dirt hair, a jacket covered his upper body and I saw the gun held behind his shoulder, which made me aware then, of the other laying by the wall beside me.

I went down the few steps of the small porch of that old house and he unsurely stepped back. That made the corner of my mouth turn upwards, in a compassionate smirk, amid amusement and misery. It was strange such a creature would fear me, but it was what people did when they saw me, after all.

With that feeling lingering, my head fell to the ground as my curiosity faded and I decided, instead, to wait. My hair covered my vision and so I stared at my fiddling fingers. Perhaps I would never build the courage to ask. To talk to him. Maybe that was what I was... mediocrity.

I felt my eyes redden and I pushed those thoughts away. I didn't want to cry, especially in front of him.

The sound of the old creaking wood peaked my attention. I stared at the man, and he stared back, his eyebrows frowned at my face, and he looked at his boy disapprovingly. I looked back at the confused boy and as he looked back at me, his expression softened. I realised that my face was probably still red, with thoughts of melancholy. As another creak sounded, I turned my whole body away from them – not wanting my father to see.

I hear the man telling my father that me and Isaac should go ahead. As my father protested, the man told him not to worry, that Isaac's been hunting for a long time. He probably didn't want my dad to see me either.

I started walking without consent and I heard the boy following. My father's voice faded with the distance and then I heard a soft, sweet, crackling singing: You alright?

Author's note:

Second part of this chapter will come out soon! Didn't have time to finish it :s
But it is a nice cliffhanger  ⚆ _ ⚆

Vote pleeeeaassseee!! :D

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