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The weekend arrived, but Isaac didn't come for me. I wasn't sure if I would even go if he did. His marks on me were nearly invisible, and like them, he also left me.

I decided to sleep a little longer. There would be nothing else to do... I woke up around noon and made the effort to have lunch with my parents. After I helped clean up, I went back to my room.

I thought of ways of apologizing to Arvin, but his hateful eyes scared my bravery away. I wondered if I could ever appear in front of Isaac, but in every scenario I ended up in tears. I pondered going outside, but I knew the boys would find me. There was nothing else to do...

Dinner was awful. I decided I didn't want to feel their hated, so I remained with my head down. Trying to avoid everyone's eyes was incredibly demanding. Sitting in front of Isaac was painful. Being in the same room as Arvin was agonizing. Knowing that the culprits were at arm's reach was frustrating.

Are you enjoying it here Luna? The beautiful woman, Ella, demanded my attention. I denied her and merely nodded my head. I couldn't say no. That's good. I could hear her radiating smile. Have the boys been good to you? A trick question. I wondered if she was just like them. I nodded again. While I refused to look at her, I knew if she had more questions, I'd be forced to. How about the house? You like your new room, or is it too different from back home? She pressed on. I had to raise my head and look at her. Her smile now reminded me of a carnivorous plant. Beautiful but deathly. I like it. My voice broke from not speaking. I could see, out of the corner of my eye, Isaac's focus on his food, Homer's side-eye at Ella, Conrad's disinterest in his food and Arvin, I couldn't see. I hoped she had accomplished what she wanted, but she continued. And... back home, do you have a boyfriend? My father took this one, freeing me from her trap. Still, they continued to talk about me. I wasn't bothered by it, since I didn't have to participate. However, one question made me freeze and, I'm certain, my parents too. Luna is such a beautiful name. Did you pick it? She spread her petals beautifully for us, only to eat us in the end. My mum was at a loss for words. My father held back too. Yes, my mother did pick it. I told her. My parents were incapable of lying. I didn't exactly lie either. After my mum got herself together, she put a reassuring hand on my shoulder and my dad quickly changed the subject. Before I could take my head back down, I caught Isaac staring. Perhaps he felt our uneasiness. And maybe he wasn't the only one. I could feel Homer's stare too.

The days returned to normal again – just like back home – me and my parents. I hadn't dared stepping outside on my own. I wished for a TV to ease my tediousness but I only got books; not scary ones. Eventually, the day came when the love stories I'd been forced to read became too boring.

I analysed the scene displayed out of the kitchen window. The boys where playing football with the older boy. Arvin was probably inside, he would only come out at twilight. I wouldn't need to worry about Isaac, if he sensed me in any way, he'd walk in the opposite direction. That was my opportunity. I stepped out of the front door and waited a few seconds. I could still hear the ball being kicked, so I hurried to the back of the house to say a quick hello to my friend. The water was cold, and I didn't expect anything else, as the river was always shaded by trees. I didn't need its coolness now, since I was able to expose my arms. Isaac was long gone, and he wasn't coming back.

I decided to pick up a few stones from the river to mark my way through the forest. I'd never explored it on my own and the last thing I wanted was to get lost and have one of the boys come and get me.

I wanted to get to the quarry and swim, perhaps to remember the good times we had there and forget that bad one, because that had been all I could think about. I tried to remember the boys' trail, deciphering each tree, recollecting every sound. It took longer than it used to, but in the end I managed to unravel the quarry.

Without help, it was much more difficult to get down to the lake. The stones seemed small and slippery and I didn't particularly memorize their careful steps. Despite slipping a few times, I managed to make it in one piece.

As I was alone this time, I decided to take off my T-shirt. I didn't pack any kind of swimsuit, nor do I remember owning one, but I thought a sports bra would suffice. Even so, I quickly got into the water, afraid that peering eyes would see me.

Again, the coldness felt good. I didn't understand how such a cold morning could turn into such a muggy afternoon, but all days were the same there.

While I floated away in the water, the palm of my hand started to sting. I felt it the first time the water made contact with it, but disregarded it. However, it was becoming annoying. I tried to concentrate on the sound of the water muffling my ears, but the pain pinched me. I gave in, and finally took a look at my hand. The skin was abraded, the blood mixed with the water in a beautiful harmonious dance, which spread continuously. Instantly, Isaac's bloody lips flashed in my mind. The lake was already stained with my blood. I swiped at the stain with my other hand to make it disappear. I wasn't sure if they would still be able to smell it, but there wasn't much else I could do. I swam rapidly to the deck, trying not to leave anymore of me behind. Once up on it, I put my shirt back on and pressed my wound against it, trying to make it stop.

Don't put it on your shirt. His voice scared me, since it was already so close. I stepped back, and felt the edge of the wooden deck. Let me see. He extended his hand and I noticed the piece of cloth on the other. He was prepared.

I hesitantly gave him my hand. Immediately, the contrast of our skins resonated through my body and I could clearly see my darkness invade him. His eyes flooded with darkness when he breaded me in. He stared at the stagnant blood with his warm hand holding mine firmly. Almost too firmly, as if he was deciding whether to crush it.

I called his name, but he didn't respond. For a few seconds I wondered if this time he would give me darkness. He closed his eyes for a moment and denied me it again. You should be more careful. He groaned. He opened his eyes dressed in darkness. But his was unlike mine; his darkness was utterly beautiful.

I couldn't help but stare at him. He was precious. Beautiful, harmonious, warm... It was hard to breath in his presence. I ignored the stings the cloth gave me as he gently pressed it against me.

I saw him struggle with his darkness, closing his eyes for a few seconds – the light returning momentarily to them – but, like mine, it overcame him. I can control it. You don't need to be afraid. He fought. He probably thought that because of my racing heart and my intense gaze. He didn't see himself like I did. You don't scare me. He let out a soft snort, his lips curling into a smirk. Then why is your heart racing? He looked at me now, searching for an answer. Because... His eyebrows rose expectantly. ...you're beautiful.

Author's note:

Sometimes I surprise myself with the characters while I'm writing. Some turned out very different from what I had in my head initially. That's why it's so sun writing this story. It's like I'm also the reader.
Hope you enjoyed this one. There is more to come! Hopefully more surprises  ^.^

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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