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This boy's broken smile felt somewhat familiar, and I couldn't help but feel for him. His skin was so pale that I doubted it had ever seen the sun. He looked thin, like Isaac did once. But unlike Isaac, this broken boy didn't grow full of muscle. He almost appeared fragile... strange. All my attention was retained by his peculiarity, nonetheless. Away from the striking woman that belonged with the sun, away from the handsome older boy and from the other two laud boys. I was fascinated by this creature because I hadn't seen any that resembled me.

My dreamful thoughts were cut short by reality. My brain recalled to me that I struck fear and not fascination. That others kept away instead of wanted to reach for my secrets. Besides, I could never keep someone else's attention. I was emptiness, nothing to reach or keep. Strange, but in another way.

The pretty woman embraced the man. The older boy awaited his turn. The two boys were picking on Isaac. And the broken boy was left behind. He looked at me because I too was left behind. He walked towards me, since only we had each other's attention. Both easy to miss. Both created in a peculiar way.

His red lips were distinctive from a distance, contrasting with his skin. And then, as he approached, there were his eyes... his eyes that carried the wilderness. He was unexpectedly tall. My head had to tilt upwards to keep his gaze. You look out of place. Was the first thing he ever told me. I always do. Was the first thing I ever said to him. His lips turned upwards, before he dropped his head to the floor, almost shyly, as he shook his head. You're different. He breathed between a smile as he peered at me though his curls. Strange. I confirmed. Strange. He repeated lifting his head confidently. Me too. He smirked.

Validation was what he made me feel. I wasn't alone and nether was he. It was comforting, warm. What's your name? He smiled, somehow eager to fill the black space. So, I told him. He smiled, gently. Luna. He copied, but my name had never sounded so sweet. I didn't get the chance to ask for his, as the man called out. Arvin. Arvin. I tried it in my foul voice. But it made him smile once more. Luna. He hummed again. He made me smile in a different kind of shy.

The man pulled his attention from me. He tugged him back by the arm. Looked at me and then at him with disdain, my flushed cheeks hinting at our connection. He asked Arvin to take something inside, ripping him from me. Arvin... They man began while Arvin walked away, fulfilling the man request. He looked for words, but never found the right ones. He walked away without finishing his statement. He said something to Isaac, possibly about me, because his head shot straight to me. When the man walked away, Isaac stomped in my direction. I wondered what harm I had done this time. His hand lunged for my arm. Unconsciously, I flinched away, and he stopped. Let's go. He said instead. I tried to look for Arvin before I left, but Isaac stopped me. Leave him alone. Alone, it was all we'd ever been.

Author's note:

These last chapters introduced some new characters. Are you excited to meet them?
What about Arvin? Do you like this new character? The identity of who is playing him has also been revealed, what do you think? 。◕‿‿◕。

Thanks for reading and I hope you continue to do so. I know it's been a long time since I've posted any new chapters... Sorry. >.> I'll try to be more consistent! Also, I've been re-reading the story and editing all the parts and spelling mistakes I found. Now it'll be easier to read. '‿'

If you've got this far in the story, thank you very very very much! I'd love to know what you think. If you're shy and don't want to leave a comment, you can always send me a private message!

Also, don't forget to vote! I would love to keep writing this story!

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