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They asked multiple questions. Questions I'd wanted Isaac to ask and desired Arvin to know. Questions I was afraid to answer because I was ashamed of not having friends, of being strange, of not having anything to tell them. You don't need them anyway. Homer was irritated with my replies. You have us now. Conrad smiled, unbothered. I also smiled at the thought of my first friends.

Homer and I sat on the dirt staring at the lake Isaac had introduced me to before, while Conrad stood kicking small rocks down the quarry. I wanted to ask questions that Isaac would not answer, but I wasn't sure if they knew the answers. I also was too scared to lose them, so I decided on something else. Are you all related? They looked at each other, most likely contemplating on an response. In a way. Homer chose to also be honest. Must be nice, having a big family. You're never alone. I wanted to continue but didn't have the strength. Homer chuckled. Depends who your asking. Conrad told me Homer's thoughts. I looked back at Homer, waiting for him to tell me more. I told you, Isaac doesn't like anyone touching his stuff. He reminded me. Does he hate you too? I chuckled with them. You think he hates you? Conrad disregarded my question.

We climbed down to the lake. The boys went for a swim, while I watched them. I couldn't let them know about Isaac's stains.

The sun was halfway down when we decided to return. It was nice being with them. There was always something to laugh about. It was easy.

So, you were jealous! His voice melted my thoughts. Trying to steal her now, are we? Arvin continued to taunt them. Look who finally decided to come out of his room. Conrad started, getting a hold of Arvin and messing up his already wild hair. They both laughed, whereas Homer seemed to be crafting his venom. Steal her from... you? He finally stung. Arvin ignored his poison as he and Conrad pushed each other around. I began to notice how they also threw me around... like I belonged to Isaac, which was confusing. Was he instructed to watch over me?

Hi. Arvin's shoes interrupted my analysis and he now stood in front of me. His hair was messier – if that was even possible – but his smile remained the same. Sweet. I was happy to see it again. Where were you? The boys continued to walk, laughing with each other. Waiting to see you. He avoided. I was here. I insisted. And so am I. His fingers brushed against my hand. They were cold, just as mine had been... before. Our skins should have been in harmony, but now he contrasted with my – his – warmth. He tugged at the hem of Isaac's jacket as his smile began to fade. Did he know who it belong to? Could he smell him too? You're cold? I wanted to say no, to remove Isaac's jacket. But I couldn't let Arvin see him on me. I had to say, just a little. Even so, his smiled returned and he pulled my fingers with his, to follow after the boys. The sun is not your friend? Arvin continued. Can't it warm you up? He followed beside me. I don't mind the cold. His smile got wider. Doesn't look like it. I wished he was there this morning. Don't you like the sun? I wanted to know more about him. Why his skin was so pale, why his smile faded at the sight of the man, why he was broken, how he kept his spirit. It doesn't like me very much. He spoke as if the sun was his lost friend, like he missed it but couldn't reach it. It was raining, this morning. I didn't want him to feel sad. You like the rain? I nodded excitedly, staring him for his answer. I like it too. He giggled at my enthusiasm. It was cold. I traced my fingertips, reminiscing. Was it? I told him how I came outside to feel it, how it smelled and felt. I kept Isaac a secret. He laughed at my silliness and it made me happy.

Our stroll was interrupted, however, when Arvin suddenly stopped. We were already close to their house, but Isaac still came towards us. Arvin started walking again, but this time alone. I tried to keep with him, but our synchronisation was broken. I eventually had to halt as Isaac blocked my way. Arvin, though, continued to walk, without saying another word.

Did you find your jacket? Maybe he wanted his. My thoughts were lost in confusion as I began to undress it to give it back, but he stopped me by pulling his jacket back on me and my thoughts returned when I realized that I was about to display his marks. I told you to keep warm. He held my gaze with his walnut eyes, reminding me of that morning. I was already warm enough; if I could, I would take his jacket off. I didn't understand what he meant, because he could undoubtedly smell my slightly salty skin, since his jacket had invited the sun's warmth throughout the day. Perhaps, he was referring to Arvin. His coldness, that matched mine. Did he want to keep it away from me? To keep me warm... I didn't understand why. To me, it looked like Isaac despised being around me. Why would his family task him with me? Why take away someone that actually enjoyed to be around me?

You didn't find it? I shook my head once I grasped he was discussing my missing jacket. His brows furrowed, not at me, but his thoughts. And you're sure you left it on the truck? I told him again my reasoning. He nodded, still intrigued.

Apparently, we were going to be having dinner at their house every day. My mum was back in the kitchen helping, my father was, most likely, talking with the old man and the man. I was with the boys at their living room. After all the past experiences, I started to think those dinners would always be miserable, but that day I wasn't alone.

Did Isaac go off on Arvin? Conrad whispered, chuckling with every word. I explained what happen, that they didn't even glimpse at one another. I guess Isaac is growing up. Homer snickered. The pretty woman interrupted us when she entered, saying hello to me. It's nice to see you again. I thought it was a pointless remark since it would be inevitable and awkward. We didn't properly meet, I'm Ella. She approached me, probably to greet me, but Homer made a point of stepping in front of her to sit next to me, stopping her in her tracks. I sat back down as she also gave up. You have such a pretty name. She smiled again, after glaring at Homer. I completely disagreed with her statement, because her name was much prettier than mine. I only smiled at her, not knowing what to say. My shyness kept me still, without words. She could tell too because after she told me to make myself at home she went back to the other women. What is wrong with my name? I finally asked why everyone complimented it, which I guess was funny, since Homer and Conrad burst out laughing. I started to think that maybe it was something they did to be nice. What are you guys laughing about? Arvin asked, igniting my breath. Conrad told him about my stupid question and Arvin couldn't keep his soft snort from leaving him. There is nothing wrong with your name, only with the people around here. Homer explained, trying to reassure me with his smile. What do you think Luna, you think that there's something wrong with us? Arvin smiled and I quickly shook my head.

Author's note:

Are you also intrigued by this situation between Luna, Isaac and Arvin? What about the boys? They seem nice to Luna! What do you think of Homer? I based his physical appearance on Emory Cohen, the boy in the GIF. Maybe next time I'll let you know who Conrad is based on.

By the way, I think the theme song for this story should be unknown / nth by hozier. I think it goes well with Luna. Maybe you should listen to it during the more heart-warming chapters ^^

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