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I was afraid he would turn cold again, but my curiosity took the best of me. With quietness as our background music, we kept on foot. The silence established my fears, and I wanted him closer. I wanted him to laugh, to see him smile, to be happy again... I didn't want darkness to takeover my world, once more. I wanted him to shine his light on me; make me reborn.

He halted he's stride, making me stop behind him. Another deer swam through the mist. Its innocence averted his attention from us, smelling the dewed grass instead. This one was different from yesterday's. This one looked skinny and helpless, with small horns growing on its head, its brown fluffy fur without a spot to be seen. Isaac slowly bent to his knees, taking the gun out of his shoulder. I wasn't sure if I pity the creature, but I felt something strange. I don't know if it was sadness or fear. I didn't want to annoy Isaac with my questions, so I didn't ask. I didn't stop him either. I don't regret that... or maybe I do.

The gunshot thundered through the forest, like before, and the innocence was taken away from its beauty. The ground would soon beverage on its life and quietness would remain.

Isaac took out a knife, I didn't notice before hidden under his jacket, and took its misery away. I simply watched his lies slicing pure beauty. Then I asked him why he didn't do it his normal way, without the gun, or the knife. Like he showed me when we were younger.

His frowning face displayed again his disdain for the subject, and he didn't answer. I pushed on, trying to delight my cravings, begging him to show me the truth.

He looked over his shoulder, like he heard something I didn't. Thus, I knew I had to stop. He wouldn't answer me, and I couldn't question it.

Not long after, his father appeared. It didn't seem like he ran, he was perfectly composed. I wondered if he was close, or if it was something else. Rapidly my mind told me it had to be something else because Isaac would hear him. Frustration grew within me as things I wanted to witness were happening around me, but I couldn't see it. I wanted to scream at them to just show me. That I wouldn't tell anyone. I wanted to see. I wanted to know.

Frustration flushed my face and impotence tired my body. I had to wait again.

They carried the creature back to their house and placed it in the old pickup truck. I got inside with the man, and Isaac got in the back with the lifeless animal. We drove a small way to the closest town. About twenty minutes thorough the dirt road. The sun started to shine through the fainting fog, and I was afraid my unusefulness during their morning routine would cast me aside. I tormented Isaac with questions he loathed, I wasn't sure I could kill an animal and I most likely couldn't carry it. I was useless to them.

We arrived at a small street market at the old town – with houses made of stone and wood – that hid from the sun.

A few people approached the truck as we pulled up. They greeted each other and acknowledged me while Isaac showed them their catch. As the man and the others haggled, Isaac went to buy some other type of food. I followed along, through the small gathering of people. We moved from stall to stall, smelling the fresh food. I was curious if they did that every day to which Isaac told me only on weekends. Although Isaac didn't seem too distant while we made small talk, I wondered if he would avoid me tomorrow.

Eventually Isaac got everything he wanted, the man sold the creature, and we made our way back. The flashing trees accompanied us throughout our journey. The fog was faint but icy and as Isaac swayed, in the back of the truck, with the movement of the road I wondered if he was cold.

When we arrived, the sun was only a couple of hours from the top of the sky. As we got closer, in the distance, another car could be seen parked in front of their house. It was a jeep like car, not as old as the truck, but not new. The man recognized the car as he said, they got here early, to himself and glanced the rear-view mirror to Isaac. I saw Isaac's eyebrows slightly frown as he got eye of the familiar jeep. I recalled the man saying his family was out of town, but Isaac's reaction made me feel uneasy. Shouldn't he be excited?

I wasn't aware that we would be expecting more people and my shyness pulled at my stomach as anxiety settled. I could tell that the car was full, but I couldn't make out features.

As we pulled in, they started to get out. First was a woman; her blond hair attracted the sunrays to make her look even more beautiful, her smile radiated confidence and she could fit with nature, like nature was created for her. Then the driver came out, a boy, much older than Isaac and much younger than the man. His hair was cut short, and he looked tall and strong, like the man. Two boys left the back of the jeep a few seconds after, they looked younger than the driver, but I couldn't tell if they were much older than Isaac. The last boy leaving the car piqued my interest. He had curly hair like Isaac once had, but his covered almost all of his face. It was messy but pleasing. He looked skinny and pale. His features were sharp and gentle. He smiled and laughed with excitement, but it felt like sadness to me.

Author's note: 

Do you know who will portray this new character by my description?  ¬‿¬
I would like to know your guesses! 

Also, don't forget to vote! :D

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