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I was made aware of my beating heart and my cold hands. I held them together again and nodded my head, afraid my voice would crack.

It's not that bad you know... His singing made my skin chill and I wanted to hear it over and over again. I looked at him, now at my side and he explained ... hunting. I pursed my lips in a shy smile and nodded at the ground. I didn't want him to think I was weak, to thing I was crying, so I told him my eyes had redden with the cold. He looked forward with a strange expression. I didn't know if it was because he wasn't convinced or because of the sound of my horrid voice.

We marched with the silence of the forest. That sight was too familiar in my oblivion. The picture of fog eating trees almost made me believe my darkness was real, that I survived it.

I remembered the feeling of losing the memory of his features, of losing him, of loneliness and despair. My chest got heavier with the reminiscence of the blood erasing his face. As I slowed down, holding my chest, courage was long gone, instead fear made me speak again. Do you remember me?

I knew the answer. He told me when he stood at his porch wishing I would disappear. I wanted him to acknowledge it – me.

He stopped in front of me. His fingers brushed the end of the gun leaning at his back. My brain whispered mockingly, that I would never have answers, that I would have only whatever I had.

His idea of making his nightmare – me – fade, ran out of inspiration and he resumed his march.

Sound was hard to hear, at his silent rejection, that pierced through my ears. He despised my dreams, and I wanted his. While I wanted him to kiss my madness away, he wanted to murder my curiosity.

Silence walked with us again. I followed behind him and studied his walk. His cut curls were trying to peek out from the back of his hat. The gun bounced around his shoulder, taunting me.

The thunder of a gun echoed throughout the dancing trees and Isaac sped up his march to the source of the storm. He looked over his shoulder to see if I was following.

We met up with our parents, as a deer blead out at the man's hands. My father stepped back from the scene in horror, whilst Isaac ran to it, helping his father.

I wanted to observe them, but my father turned me away from it. After a while, my dad let go of my shoulders, going to aid the man carrying the dead beast. The boy wiped his bloody hands on a piece of cloth. My eyes were captivated by the redness of it. I was disappointed with the show. I wanted to see how they actually did it.

Isaac's attention was averted from my examination of him, to his father, as he told him to take me away.

He stepped closer to me which made me falter. He sang to me again: Go on.

I stumbled with him behind me. My thoughts started to wander; I didn't want to talk because I didn't want to see him cringe at my voice again. Nonetheless, I turned around in my step, trying to walk back to my father, but his frame prevented me from doing so. I insisted, attempting to go around him, but he pushed me back. I tried again, and I felt his strength – blocking my newfound anxiety – confirming he wasn't a boy anymore, as I fell to the ground with force. My vile voice made his ears wince again. Where are they going? Fear struck as I imagined my dad disappear.

Town, he simply said. I tried one last time to escape. His hands curled around my frozen arms, making coldness crack away. He held them sternly until they bruised. His angry face stared into mine, without fear. He was close enough for me to count his freckles, imposing fright within me. As he grew a few inches taller, I felt his breath on my face as he said: You already ruined my life enough.

He pushed me again, and I stumbled to my knees. I was weak and he was strong, he made it clear. I understood that the sight of me sickened him. I couldn't change, I could only disappear. I comprehended that, why didn't he?

I stood quickly and he urged me on, his sweet hum gone, now a growl of disdain.

He guided me to their house. My mother was already there, helping the old lady again. She smiled when she saw me. I did my best to smile back. I stood there not knowing what to do. The old lady looked at me, as she was peeling a potato, and then back at Isaac. She told him to show me the living room.

Isaac rolled his eyes, without her seeing. He looked at me and frowned at the idea that he was stuck with me.

Author's note:

So it seems Isaac is not very fond of Luna... :/ What do you guys think of her?

Don't forget to leave a vote please :D

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