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Between bites, I glanced at Arvin, trying to get him to connect with me again. But all he saw was sadness. Hey, are you Isaac's girlfriend? One of the boys whispered to get my attention, clearly trying to annoy Isaac. I frowned at them while they both laughed at Isaac. I tried to forget their comments and get back to what I was doing. But this time, when I looked at Arvin, he was already watching me. The corner of my lips turned up into a shy smile because I had his attention again. Oh... maybe she's Arvin's. The other boy laughed. I fought the blood that wanted to rush my cheeks at his statement and frowned at them again. Shut up and eat. Finally, their attempts reached Isaac, who still refused take his eyes off his food. Are you angry cause Arvin stole your girlfriend? The nearest boy muttered bitterly to Isaac. He stopped eating, irritated. I already rattle him with my questions and these two boys wanted to tear away the rest of his sanity. I wondered if they were always like that, and if it was why Isaac had little patience with me. Why are you so interested? You guys jealous? Arvin mischievously guarded Isaac's last string of reason. He popped the fork with food into his mouth untroubled. His wickedness made me chuckle quietly. Isaac, however, didn't ease with Arvin's inquiries. His eyes pierced into mine as if I were part of the problem. Which I was. A problem. My pleasure quickly faded, replaced by shame. My appetite disappeared too, as the memory of his voice echoed in my head: You're crazy. Arvin, Isaac is bullying your girlfriend! They both laughed again. Shortly afterwards, they calmed down. I didn't know why, but I imagined that someone among the adults had glared at them.

Once everyone was full of food and conversation, it was time for us to leave. The old man and the pretty woman took us to the front door. As the door was swung open, I was swiftly reminded that I'd forgotten my jacket. The sun had long since set and the coldness invaded the air. My father also realized I was missing it and I informed him that it had probably been left behind in the pickup truck, which made the old man call for Isaac. I cursed myself for inconveniencing Isaac again. He briefly explained the situation as soon as Isaac appeared. I didn't dare to look Isaac in the eye. Not only because of the boys' remarks, but also because of his growing hatred for me. And maybe, because of his statement. To my dismay, my parents didn't follow us along to the truck. I was left alone to the awkwardness that lay ahead. I tried to warm my chilled body with my arms, hugging myself tightly. I could see a faint breath leaving my body, as I admired how the night could be so cold and the day so warm. I heard Isaac unlocking the car and opening the noisy door for me to investigate. And so, I did. First my seat, then the driver's seat. Perhaps the floor or maybe behind the seats? What's taking so long? Isaac rushed me, probably freezing too. I eventually gave up and Isaac took over. My body was deprived of any warmth, but all I could think about was how annoyed Isaac probably was. My fingertips started to sting, my lips to crack and my head to throb. It was hard to hug my body, as my arms turned stone cold. You sure you left it here? He asked coming off the pickup truck. I had it when we went into town, and I didn't when we got here. I was sure I took it off on the way back. I chose not to pester him with my voice, so I simply nodded. He frowned which reminded me I was looking at him. I drifted my gaze to the floor waiting for his next decision. Unexpectedly, warmth embraced my back, and I felt the contrasting temperatures crackle on my skin. He put his denim jacket around my body, taking me by surprise. We could simply go back to the house, and I could warm up. Or my dad could give me his. Maybe we would run up to our house. I'm okay. I shakily said, having upset him enough. Your lips are tuning purple. He explained. I wanted to ask, what about you?, but I chose otherwise. He'd been pestered enough. I pulled his jacket round my body to feel all its – his ­– warmth, while following him back to the house.

My father insisted that I should return Isaac's jacket and that I keep his. The man assured us that there would be no problem. Isaac and I remained silent. I had his jacket in my hands, ready to give it back, waiting for one of our parents to win. I could faintly hear the boys' laughter, probably annoying Arvin this time with the same questions as at dinner. I wanted to say goodbye to Arvin, but I knew the man wouldn't approve.

Sadly, my father lost, and I was to take Isaac's denim jacket after all. I knew he would, he was never pushy. He wavered easily at my and Mum's requests. We said our goodbyes and I could feel a sense of embarrassment coming from Isaac. Maybe he wanted his jacket back, but his father had taught him to be a gentleman, so he couldn't have it. Or maybe he could hear whatever disconcerting things the boys were saying to Arvin. Either way, his slightly peach-coloured cheeks didn't allow him to hide.

Author's note:

Is Isaac trying to be nice? Or is he just following the man's teachings?

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