6 - Kicky

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Rhett froze in the doorway with Malin in his arms at the woman's scream. He had never been more thankful for his height as he was able to just see over the crowd, but the scene he was met with was terrifying. He could just barely make out Shiloh's white locks laying unmoving on the dirty concrete. He gripped a dazed Malin tightly as he changed direction and pushed his way through the crowd.

Malin pressed his eyes closed and silently pleaded for the dizziness to pass, "What's going on?"

Rhett gave him a gentle squeeze as he lowered him down to the ground within the circle the crowd had created. "Shiloh's hurt. I'm going to put you on the ground, keep your eyes closed, and head between your knees. I'm going to check Shiloh over and make sure an ambulance has been called."

As soon as Malin was seated, Rhett turned to Shiloh, watching as the dark red oozed from his chest and a small puddle formed around him. "Has anyone called an ambulance?"

"Yes yes, they're on their way." Rhett looked up to see a frazzled woman with a phone pressed to her ear. "They're saying to put pressure on the wound." There was too much blood for it to only be coming out of on spot. Rhett pulled off his shirt and without a second thought balled it up and put it under Shiloh's back covering where he expected an exit wound to be. Then another shirt was pressed onto Shiloh's front. With a quick glance, Rhett saw Malin had recovered and was sitting next to him, pressing the shirt down onto Shiloh's chest.

The two were silent as one held pressure and the other monitored Shiloh's pulse and breathing until Malin whispered, "The man had a gun... I only just caught sight of it before the world tilted. He threw himself in front of it... Instead of attacking him or hitting the gun out of the way, or anything else, he put himself in front of it." Shiloh pushed at a lot of their dominant instincts. The way he responded and acted concerned them, but they didn't push him. But as they looked at him injured and unconscious on the dirty streets they couldn't help but desperately want to care for him, to protect him. Rhett was stopped from responding by the arrival of the ambulance.

The next two hours felt like seconds as the paramedics took over caring for Shiloh, gently guiding the two men to the side to talk to the cops.

By the time the cops had all the information they could get from Malin and Rhett, Shiloh had already arrived at the hospital. Unknown to the men, he was already receiving surgery to repair the damage to his chest and lung caused by the bullet while the hospital was desperately trying to find blood that matched Shiloh's rare blood type. With a plea, they managed to talk one of the cops into dropping them off at the hospital. Not even paying attention to the fact they were covered in Shiloh's blood, they stumble through the doors.

"Sirs, sir! Are you okay?" Nurses were suddenly at their side looking for injuries.

"Yes. A man was just brought in by ambulance. White hair. Gunshot wound to the chest. Where is he?" Malin had slipped into protective mode. He needed to know that Shiloh was okay.

An older woman in a set of scrubs walked up, "Are you family?"

"He's our bodyguard. I have a permission card and direct contact with the family. I'll give them a call and let them know what's going on." As Rhett pulled out his phone, Malin pulled out a small card that gave clients access to the bodyguard and vice versa in the event of an injury.

Malin followed the head nurse to the desk as she looked over the card before finally handing it back and picking up a tablet from the counter. "He's currently in surgery. There's damage to his chest wall and lung. It should all go fine. The only issue we're running into is that he's lost so much blood, he needs a blood transfusion."

"And what's the problem? What's his blood type? Rhett or I will donate if we have to." Malin crossed his arms and gave her a look of determination.

"It's not that simple. He's Rh null. He can only accept Rh null. Anything else his body will attack and there's no donors nearby." Malin's eyes widened, the chances were so small, but at the moment he couldn't be more thankful. "I'm Rh null. I go to headquarters to donate because of a head injury I received some years ago. I still have issues because of it. It was decided it would be safer for me to donate there." The nurse's eyes widened and she grabbed him by the arm, pulling him quickly through the double doors and down the hall mumbling about testing and transfusions the whole way.

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