Chapter 1

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"Come Daisy, this is your favorite time of the day to go out flying." A silver bot said. "I know but I have to finish or my teacher will have my head!" the brown-haired girl said. "Don't be foolish," he told her. "Still, it's important to my grade. If the teacher doesn't come for me, then Megatron will." the human replied. The silver con rolled his eyes. "Whatever, I'll come back later."


Bright blue eyes slowly opened, and she sat up. "Again?" She paused and looked around her organized room, well almost fully organized room. 'Who are these strange robots I keep seeing in my dreams, they sure don't look human-made either.' She got off her bed and sleepily made her way to her closet, not paying attention and tripping on one of her most prized possession. She mumbled into the ground, lifting her sore head off the ground, her trophy sitting there all pretty.

A little bit of blood was left on the trophy, now realized it had cut her foot on the sharpest part. She quickly sat up, that was a poor decision, because she hit her head on a low shelf. "DAD!" Daisy yelled, keeping the small set of tears that threatened to come out. She heard a groan from her father, who come in after a short pause of waiting. "What do- I'll be right back!" He panics, running out of the room and coming back in a short amount of time.

"Lucky me," She huffed, watching her stepdad patch her up. "What happened?" he asked, ignoring her remark. "I tripped, cutting my foot on the sharp edge of my trophy," she stated, looking at the blood staining her floor. He nodded getting up, "I can call you out of school." he said, packing up the medical kit we had just in case. "No, it's okay really," She says, standing up wobbly, before giving her dad a thumbs up.

"If you say so, but do let me help you." They both walked out, getting her lunch and binders. "Your good to go, just go easy, also make sure you get caught up with everything!" her dad yelled behind her, "Wait you're not coming?" she said, stopping mid-walk to look over at him. "Sorry kid got too much work, and if I don't get started soon I'll get fired." He said simply, getting an 'oh' before turning and walking back to his office.

Good thing the school was a short walk, or else she would have been super late, didn't help that the morning sun was already disappearing and heating her up. She almost tripped several times, trying her best not to with how many things she was packing. She walked over to the entrance with a nervous smile, she was smart for her age, being able to skip multiple grades and head right into 6th grade.

Multiple students were in the hall, walking to their first period, or the bathroom. She couldn't go to hers just yet, she had to get to the office and get a map, her locker number and code, and what classes she needed to head to. Yesterday she had a brief tour, that lasted about a minute, and this school is big, so this school was still confusing for her. Once she had gotten to the familiar office door, she walked in and went to the desk inside.

"Excuse me, ma'am," she said, a lady with brown hair and a short skirt with short sleeves looked up, smiling once seeing the new student. "Ah, Daisy Everly, right? You are quite late." she calmly said, closing the folder she was looking through. "Sorry had a little accident at home, and I had to walk from home to here." She sheepishly said, her brown hair covering her face.

"It's alright, you are fine. Just don't make it a habit." she paused, turning around and grabbing something off of her desk, "I'm guessing you need these, your locker is 1335, and your code is right here." She continued, handing everything Daisy needed for the first day. "Oh before you leave, tardies won't count until your third week here. I know It's hard remembering everything."


I heard the bell ring once I got to my locker, trying to hurry up but the locker kept me there for quite a while. Spinning the lock for the tenth time, 11, 1, 36, and finally it opened, having nothing in it except a shelf separating the top half and the bottom half. I took my time putting everything in nicely before taking the paper with my classes and my map. According to the piece of paper, my first class is FCS, which means Family Consumer Science.

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