15 - An Apple A Day...

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While the day had begun hesitantly, the mood had soon been lightened considerably by Rory's stories - some of which even Em knew to put in a word on. The latter was freaking adorable, causing both Logan and Rory to exchange meaningful glances, as they were holding back their laughter. They hadn't really ever been given that moment before - that moment of realization that genetically they'd created that cuteness. So what if that moment happened while they were in the car, Rory behind the wheel.

Like any child Em had had her share of little quirks growing up - more specifically a love for all things mango flavored and a love for the soundtrack of Addams Family, providing Logan a generous laughter trying to picture that.

Em had been an early walker and an early talker, which had made a lot of things regarding her upbringing both tricky and easy, respectively. Rory had gotten lucky with Em's teething being a fairly easy process, with most teeth coming in at once, so she had been the mom other mom's envied for many such developmental milestones. She hadn't had it quite as easy with sinus infections and having to do some trial and error with foods while they'd been worried she might have an allergy, which had been kind of stressful, but in the end had turned out to be a reaction to a new detergent instead.

Baby topics, which Logan had supplemented with a few of his own stories about Honor's kids, had smoothly transitioned to talking about music, however. Rory's playlist had changed quite a bit from the Sonic Youth, Franz Ferdinand, and Belle and Sebastian inspired options to artists whose repertoire included things a little bit more smooth and dreamy - Sean Angus Watson, Roo Panes and Nina June being prominent on her playlist. This had provided Logan further things to muse over - Rory really had changed a lot and he couldn't help but to wonder whether he had changed equally much but just didn't realize it. He also wondered - Could the essence of people even change or just their external properties?

The farm was indeed popular that Sunday, a parking lot full of visitors, children giggling and... goats bleating. There were tractors and historic farm equipment on display for the kids and the large piles of pumpkins could already be seen from afar. By the office building there were carts of apples, beverages and pastries on sale.

"So how do we go about this?" Logan asked, wanting to just observe and follow along the tradition Em and Rory seemed to have in this place. Em had already hopped towards the animals ahead of them.

"We usually go do a round of tasting, she pets and feeds as many animals as she can, while I enjoy my coffee and then as the final thing we load the car up with as many pumpkins as we can manage," Rory explained.

"So you do drink coffee?" Logan smirked, being not at all surprised by her intent to decorate for the upcoming season wholeheartedly.

Rory laughed.

"Yes, I still drink coffee," Rory replied, rolling her eyes. She'd pretty much expected him to note that sooner or later. "I just don't drink as much - I can do with less, it's better for me," she explained.

"Uh-uh," Logan commented, taking in the response, realizing this was perhaps close to that earlier minefield. He was dying to know about what had happened with Lorelai, but he knew this was not something she was eager to share and probably not the best subject to dissect with Em around anyways.

They went ahead with tasting apples, getting a small lecture on why apples are so different, told in a way that Em was actually quite interested in the story.

"Here's that Honeycrisp that you like, Em!" Rory noted, holding up a bite of apple for her. Frankly, seeing Rory eat so much healthier was a fresh sight too, even after the of lunches they'd already shared. But she looked indeed happy and healthy to Logan.

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