48 - An Overactive Mind

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Chapter 48

Rory snuck out of Logan's bed at dawn, not wanting to wake him, reluctant to slip out of his warmth, his body having remained in contact with her through the night - even if it had just been a limb.

She was relieved to hear that not every door in this place creaked anymore when she tiptoed back into the room where Em slept in, her own side having not been slept in. She got a much better view of the room now as the early morning light was beginning to peek through the voile curtains - definitely a boys' room. The bed, however, made a little more sound, probably from jumping on the bed she thought, but she figured it was the equivalent of one turning one's side during sleeping, so she just rested her palm on top of Em's stomach as the girl began to stir, and hoped she'd float back to dream world, like it had worked thousands of times before. It worked now too.

While she knew she still could've gotten a few hours of sleep, her brain felt wide awake, having slept anxiously not wanting to have Em find them sleeping on the same bed tomorrow, and she just laid there next to her daughter, trying to think of ways to relax. Simply sharing a bed with Logan had been truly energizing.

Each time she closed her eyes, considering whether or not to actually attempt to go back to sleep - she got glimpses of their conversations, some borderline naughty, some nice, from last night.

They had kissed, a lot - made out - more like, driving each-other just to the verge of no return. He knew just the places to touch - her neck, the small of her back, the side of her breast, the back of her knee as he'd pulled it over his hip... Oh, there had been definitely some caressing involved and she hadn't failed the sensation of his arousal through his sweat pants even if neither had made an attempt to take it further. The bottom of her stomach had gotten that twist that almost made her want to melt and give in at least a dozen times. It was the way she'd made out with Jess as teenagers - kind of back to basics, like making out was all that was in their comfort zone, not that she'd thought for a fraction of a second about Jess last night. But that kind of intimacy had no-doubt left her giddy and energized, making Rory feel young inside.

Come to think of it she and Logan had never really had that before. Each time they'd ever kissed, they'd never consciously held back, and stopped themselves like that. It had always led to sex, or some form of sex, eventually at least, if one excluded the occational little pecks and goodbye kisses. Their kisses were always a part of a longer foreplay. Supposedly it was now too. But now clearly this was about doing things in good time, at the right time, and they didn't need to convince the other of that not being quite this moment. If they did, they didn't want to watch their volume or worry about Em waking up.

Rory observed her baby girl - even at her age, she would always be her baby girl - and could already sense more and more ways that Logan's genetic makeup was beginning to show in her face too. Tiny things - like the shape of her eyes or her upper lip. Maybe she hadn't dared to admit it to herself before?

It was funny how the thought of sex with Logan and the overwhelming sense of love for her daughter blended into one for her. She had been pretty out of it when she'd had her - like most women - but she was also one of those who considered giving birth not just the clinical act but also something deeply primal and while she couldn't quite be sure of whether what she'd felt had actually been real - she'd kind of felt how it had been orgasmic. Or very close to it at least. Maybe it had been just the rush of endorphins and adrenaline seeing, smelling and feeling her baby for the first time that had left her with that memory? She inhaled deeply, still remembering all of these things like they were yesterday.

These thoughts were making her all warm and fuzzy inside. She could still remember what Em had felt like fresh out of the womb - the wet and warm lump that compared to nothing else. She hadn't quite dared to think of it before, but for a split second she did wonder whether this was something she would want to or could even do again. She didn't dare to go there, realizing this was way too soon to even think about it.

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