18 -Small Drunken Confessions

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October 8th, 2022

Logan made it to Carrie Nation, a dimly lit, classy cocktail bar with what looked like a well-stocked bar, fashionably 10 minutes past the announced time. He arrived to witness Rory in the midst of generous congratulations, accepting hugs, a couple of her guests having brought her flowers - Hydrangeas and a large bouquet of peach-colored roses, and the look on her face spoke of sheer joy and grace as she thanked them. One of the women wrapped a pink feather boa around her neck, clearly as a joke, and that made Rory laugh, going along with it.

Logan had seen that look before. Once after Rory had been made the editor of Yale Daily News and they'd celebrated that night with cheap take-away Chinese and a bottle of Dom. Once when she'd seen him, waiting there with a chauffeur's cap and sign, at the Heathrow arrivals when she'd come to visit him for Christmas for the first time. Once when Rory had gotten the e-mail about getting her article published in the New Yorker, and she'd been with him in London. They'd gone out to dance that night and partied the night away, feeling free and wild - a moment she'd clearly felt like she'd done it, done it alone, like things were finally moving up.

She was happy.

Thinking back Logan was just grateful he'd been allowed to share those moments with her. There were plenty that he'd missed - most importantly the moment Rory had first met her daughter. God - that one would likely sting forever. There was no getting that back.

Almost unexpectedly, having been lost in his own thoughts, it was his turn.

"Happy Birthday, Rory," Logan said and hugged her, feeling now a little empty handed as Rory now had a bouquet of roses in hers. He'd thought long and hard about getting her something - a book, one never could go wrong with a book with her, or a gift card or something, but he'd realized it wouldn't have been personal enough, now knowing what she already owned, and since this was taking place at a cocktail bar, with a possibility for an after party as she'd said, he'd thought better not make her deal with carrying things around.

"Aw, thank you. I'm glad you could make it," Rory said, and her face at least didn't show signs of doubt.

"You look great," Logan commented, indeed seeing that not only did Rory look energetic and elated, she was also looking pretty fierce in her blue dress and brave makeup - not something he was used to seeing on her. But it suited her and she pulled it off like nobody's business.

"Thanks," she said, looking down for a second, which he hoped spoke of being at least a little flattered by his words, and then continued with the introduction round since it seemed Logan was one of the few who did not yet know the others.

Rory introduced him as an old friend from out of town, which certainly also brought back a memory of another kind - one he wasn't at all proud of, leaving him wondering whether that had been intentional from Rory's side.

Logan got to meet Angie, whom he'd already heard about, a few people from Rory's work, Otis, whose name he also recognized as a person of significance and about half-a-dozen other names. In total there were about 10 people, who soon took their seats behind a large table, conversation flowing amongst most of them effortlessly. Logan remained a little surprised not to see any of Rory's old friends - Lane or Paris there, but as he didn't consider their absence something he himself missed so he didn't ask.

The table soon filled with huge appetizer platters - crispy calamari tossed with pepperoncini, fig and prosciutto bruschetta, artisan cured meats with a selection of cheeses, crunch cauliflower with sweet chili and a selection of flatbreads and a tray of fresh oysters. There was a bottle of champagne on the table, but many had opted for cocktails or something stronger - Logan himself for scotch, Rory for a gin based cocktail of some sort that was served in a beautiful antique coupe-style glass.

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