46 - Another First

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November 25th, 2022

After the initial greetings and introductions, Rory's attention became directed mostly towards the people, not really getting a good chance to take in the house in its current form in the dark like she'd expected to. So far there was no flash bitter-sweet memories. Just the familiar faces of Honor and Josh, whose children while each having their own little quirks were quite evidently a mosaics of the two. Truthfully, they were even very similar to Logan, come to think of it, having similar facial features to his, the same hair like Rory had seen on his childhood photographs long ago and at the same time having the build of Josh, who was a little lankier.

Honor had naturally pretty much hugged the life out of her, whilst whispering to her ear how she'd missed her and assured her how this was a really good thing to have her back there with them. It was as if she'd picked her words so carefully, that she could almost add to it without her needing to say it, that in some ways she had hoped it would have always been her. More and more she was beginning to sense that herself, despite knowing it would've been impossible for the same reasons she'd told her grandmother that morning. That was certainly the ever-present bitter sweet part of this reunion.

Em was still melting into the social being that she normally was, not daring to say much. But that seemed to have mostly do with the fact that the unfamiliar house looked a little eerie with all of its lights off, everyone moving around in the light of flashlights, the fire in the fireplace and an occasional Venetian candle set on various surfaces. The house felt like a safe coccoon from the elements, yet it was difficult to forget the storm outside with its unfamiliar sounds - the wind and the rustle of the ocean waves.

"I'm so glad you still managed to get here, I can't imagine flying in weather like this," Honor commented, all of them hearing the wind howling outside. They'd also heard a few other tree branches crack outside a little while ago.

"Yeah, especially in those tiny tin cans they call planes, around here" Rory commented casually, and accepted the cup of lukewarm cocoa Honor handed her, having heated the milk on a fire burning stove they hadn't used in ages.

They were hanging out in the living room, settling for a cozy breakfast inspires dinner of cereal and sandwiches.

"Isn't that right!" Honor exclaimed. It was great for Rory to see her too - she was still as gorgeous in her presence as she'd always been, but it was evident she'd gained some weight since her twenties and possibly had a few subtle nip-tucks done to her face. It was what she'd grown up with and Rory really wasn't judging and on her it actually looked fairly good, even if one could technically tell there had been some tweaks made.

For a moment the adults just watched Em eat her sandwich, the girl having been the most hungry put of all of them, having asked for seconds. Her presence in this house was the miraculous thing - an event. It made, in an instant, the realization that Logan had a daughter very very real to everyone.

"How's your shoulder?" Rory asked, not wanting too much pressure put on Em, despite hee being thw center of attention, seeing Logan rub his shoulder, recalling that he'd gotten quite a bang earlier. He hadn't drawn any attention to himself, putting very much his guests first, helping them get settled and acquainted with his family.

"Sore, but I don't think there's anything of concern beyond a bruise," Logan admitted.

"You should put some ice on it," Rory said, sitting next to him.

"I'll get it," Honor was already up as she said it.

"I'm fine, it's not that bad," Logan replied, getting a sense he was just about to be subjected to some mothering. But then again considering Rory would be most likely the woman doing the nursing - the prospect actually didn't seem half that bad. He knew Rory's bedside manner well, so he decided not to complain.

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