43 - The Reveal

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November 24th, 2022

Due to a delayed flight Rory had made it to the Sandcastle several hours later than she'd hoped. There had been some struggle at the airport car rental concerning Em's car seat which was a little small for Em, but technically weight-wise was still usable. She was fine using it, knowing she wouldn't be doing a whole lot of driving probably and not for longer than a couple of 10-15 minute streches, but it was rather the struggle of trying to convince an already cranky child to sit in what she thought to be a baby's carseat.

Eventually they'd made it there though, and Rory was anxious about having to tell all the grownups the news. But right now, as they'd just made it through the door, met by a delicious smell of cooking and the radiating heat of the fireplace in her eyesight, she just felt content and relieved at having arrived.

Emily was already fussing around about getting Berta to take their coats, helping out herself a lot more than she ever would've in the Hartford mansion. She was evidently happy to see both of them, asking all these questions, whether they were hungry now and talking about how the airport must've been awful. But Rory was in a haze of sorts, the relief of having arrived, the tiredness of the morning and the anticipation of what this would turn into mixing into one. It was for that reason, now that she was here, she was considering that maybe telling them about Logan could wait after they'd at least shared a peaceful meal. If it did turn out badly, they wouldn't have to sit through an awkward meal. Em deserved a nice Thanksgiving at the very least.

"Rory?" Emily asked, jolting Rory out of her thoughts. Emily was dressed in a short casual knit dress, olive-toned, a pair of dark ribbed leggings underneath. Seeing her this casually dressed had been a sight to get to used to, but now this was the new normal.

"Sorry. What, grandma?" Rory asked.

"Would you like a drink?" she asked, leading her towards the living room, decorated in light gray linen with terracotta-colored accents.

Em was already heading up to her bedroom, knowing she had a bunch of toys she hadn't seen in months waiting for her, while Berta who took charge of their luggage.

"Yes, please - anything is fine...," Rory replied, explaining her distracted state, "I'm just exhausted...."

"Of course you are. Traveling with a 5-year-old is no joke," Emily replied, knowingly, making Rory realize she really didn't know if her mother had been taken on a lot of trips growing up. She'd never really discussed these aspects with her life. It had always been the drama of it, how it hadn't been the right way to raise a child and how it had been all about the societal expectations and the proper way to behave, but Rory just couldn't believe they hadn't done a single thing that was child-appropriate or guided by genuinely wishing to offer her a good life. She knew life wasn't as black and while as her mother had made it out in her stories.

"Yeah, thankfully, she napped a little on the plane. The plane noise is like this magical white noise..," Rory explained, after she emerged from the guest bathroom where she went to wash her hands.

"Your mother and Luke went to the store, they should be over shortly...," Emily informed her, handing Rory a cup of mulled wine, she kept in a thermos by the drink cart.

Rory was a little relieved since she was getting a little breather before they did.

"So? What have you been up to?" Emily inquired excitedly. They could both hear Em's giggles from upstairs.

"Nothing much - same old, it's an adjustment now with Gigi in college. The house is so empty," Rory began, starting perhaps with the least significant news.

"It's odd she chose Yale, isn't it? Francine must've had a fit," Emily commented, knowing the Hayden's had an appreciation for Princeton over Yale any day.

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