51 - Foreplay

126 7 3

December 3rd, 2022, Boston

"You went by our house?" Rory reflected in disbelief, as she and Logan settled into the ceremony room where the processional was supposed to start in a few minutes, having heard Logan's explanation as to why he'd been late. He hadn't even been late by much, but it had been enough to make the gears move unnecessarily in Rory's head.

"Well I hoped maybe you hadn't left and I could surprise you," Logan answered jollily, truly having not expected it to be that big of a deal.

But then again Rory had tried hard not to show how she'd overthought things, only joked on the topic, not wanting to start their day, their date, which would hopefully be more than just a day off on an insecure note.

Logan had apologized that he would've called earlier but he'd only gotten a real chance to charge his phone during the ride over.

"But I also wanted to see Em and give her the Palace Chocolates I brought her," Logan explained excitedly, leaving out there he hadn't resisted some other souvenirs either. A Paddinton teddy, a red phone box full of sweets, and a London-themed activity book - he hadn't had a good reason to shop for souvenirs in years. But above all, the meaning behind it was that just as important as getting back in time for the wedding was proving to Em that he wasn't just going to disappear again - that even if he traveled, he knew where his home was.

"That's sweet..," Rory chimed, relaxing significantly as she could sense his easy-going presence, and brushed the back of her hand against his cheek, intimately.

Logan, who actually looked pretty well-rested considering he'd just flown over, smiled at her touch. Clearly, he'd also had a chance to shower, even if just briefly, and get changed at his place before rushing over, the scent of his shampoo, that Rory had acquainted herself well over last weekend with, being evident. "You realize you'd see her tomorrow anyways, right?"

As usual, Sundays were the days when they did something together. And this week, after everyone having been so busy, they had actually just thought about spending the day at home, watching movies and indulging in some comfort food.

"Yeah, but I can have her thinking I have more important places to be, right?" Logan said with a glimmer in his eyes, indicating that he did consider this pretty important.

Rory smiled humbly, still not quite knowing what to do with herself. Last weekend had felt like a dream, and stepping back to her routine had almost made her think it really had been.

But soon Logan's hand brushed her upper arm, resting on the back of her chair, indicating they were urged to stand as a part of the ceremony as the bride and groom walked in, together.

This was not one of the Hartford or London society weddings, which frankly was a relief to Logan. And the song to which Giselle walked down the aisle to - Leon Bridges 'Beyond' - was a prime example of that.

Giselle was dressed in an champagne-toned structured crepe mermaid dress with a bodice overlay and dramatic bishop sleeves, that accented her skin beautifully. It was probably the sole classic item in this whole wedding, Giselle having talked Rory's ear off at the office about the whole planning process of this otherwise boho-chic styled wedding.

But what mattered here, was that the bride and groom looked happy, exchanging some very meaningful smiles, like having a silent conversation along with their chosen song.

"God, they look happy, don't they?" Rory gushed in whisper to Logan, against whom she was gently leaning into, his arm going around her back.

"Yeah," Logan replied, not even needing to know the couple much. "Like they're all alone in the room kind of happy," he murmured quietly, and followed the lead of the other guest to take their seats.

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