42 - Like father like son?

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November 23rd, 2022

Logan delayed getting out of his BMW for a minute or two, the need to gather himself by glancing over the latest images on his phone he had of Em delaying him. But he knew it needed to be done.

But then again, he'd never been particularly eager to enter that house, had he? Not when he was a teenager arriving home from one of his boarding schools for the holidays, often delaying his arrival as long as he possibly could nor later when being half obliged to attend some family event, expecting each time a tense atmosphere. He hadn't even really wanted to come the last time either...

February 3nd, 2019

"Come on, you can do it," Odette encouraged by tapping his upper thigh, as Logan stared at the driveway ahead of him, hands firmly on the steering wheel of the rental Audi TT RS Odette had booked for him in the effort of cheering him up a little.

She'd even admitted that the attempt was probably futile, maybe even a little inappropriate. But she also knew that the passing of Logan's mother was not affecting him the same way it would've with anyone who'd had a normal relationship with their mother. Sure, Logan had been shocked to hear the news, it had made him thoughtful of his relationship with her - but he couldn't genuinely say he missed her. That was just how that relationship had been.

"Yeah, I know I can," Logan eventually replied. "That doesn't mean I want to," he added.

"Well I too could think of things more fun than this... but you know we'll get to that later," Odette added, with a hint of suggestion, gently moving her hand to caress the back of his neck.

"Later we'll have to be back on that plane to get back for that board meeting tomorrow morning," Logan replied realistically. He was actually feeling a little guilty for having put her through this - flying back and forth across the ocean in the course of 36 hours.

It was just recently since they'd been married that they'd finally truly began to accept this life together. There wasn't just endless partying anymore. They weren't grieving their loss of freedom either. They'd seen first hand how being together suited their lifestyle and made a lot of unpleasantness bearable. They'd even been talking about completing that life by having a baby together. So far they were just flirting with the prospect and having fun trying, it wasn't stressful or worrisome, and Odette hadn't been diagnosed yet. But that fun too was shadowed by Logan's business obligations in a significant amount - he wasn't even home that much.

"Well the mile high club awaits...," Odette joked, but there was also some disappointment in her tone, wanting to be put first for once. But she knew better than to demand that on Shira's funeral day and she wasn't going to - it was just that the humor she and Logan shared often allowed for some rather selfish-sounding and dark jokes.

Logan noticed a car pulling up behind him - Honor's - and he knew this meant he couldn't delay this any further. He might've felt very little, but he sure knew Honor was feeling much more strongly towards this. Shira, apparently, had not always been the kind of mother Logan had gotten to experience. He'd even contemplated that perhaps in some ways it had been him, something he did, that had affected his mother to change the way that she had and not to develop a real relationship with him. Honor had gotten lucky at the time, but now her grieving was a lot more real too.

Seeing Honor get out of the car, dressed in black and sunglasses on, both Logan and Odette emerged as well, going up to Honor to console her through a genuinely supportive hug. It was in that moment a buzzing drone flew over their heads causing all of them to look up on instinct. Apparently the death of their mother and the funeral was national news, it being evident that had been the paparazzi.

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