52 - Culmination

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AN: Thanks for the comments and votes!

Chapter 52

October 22nd, 2021, London

Logan and Odette stumbled through the entrance of their home, giggling, having returned from a friend's birthday party in SoHo. It was well past midnight.

Odette had recently finished another round of chemo and was enjoying the time she had between them to the fullest - having also that evening used alcohol to increase her appetite which had been continuously the low side, maybe even a little too much. Like this, if it weren't for the fine Italian silk turban and the fake eyebrows and lashes, it was nearly possible to forget she was even sick. She'd gotten a lot of compliments this evening, some of their givers just being polite, but at least she'd come off as she'd been feeling a fraction of her former self. And to Logan it was a good sight.

This was the way he too expected her to be, wanted her to be... if not a mother like she'd wanted to be, at least she could be the social butterfly she so naturally was. But now she was facing much darker scenarios.

"More wine?" she asked, having made it a little unsteadily to the wine fridge, after tossing her coat somewhere in the general area of their coat hanger. Caring for her designer outfits, like this Brunello Cucinelli piece too, was no longer high on her list of priorities.

Logan knew that she knew he didn't appreciate her drinking that much, but because even the doctors had assured that using it moderately wasn't really an issue at this point, it was only a reprimanding look he gave her. But the truth was, Odette could get away with a lot of things Logan didn't quite agree with - it was like he couldn't get upset or angry at her these days. He hadn't for years by now, and a lot of it was still in a form of suppressed anger and frustration to which he struggled to find good outlets to.

"Just a little...," Odette replied, reading his unspoken thoughts well. "When else am I in this good of a mood?" she exclaimed, nearly dropping the wine glass that she was getting.

"Come on... let me at least get you some snacks," Logan commented and opened the fridge to look for some cheese. They hadn't even been the type of people to really have cheese in the house back in the day. They ate healthily, but since then they'd come a long way from eating low calorie food or just low-carb meals - now there needed to be items in the fridge that if Odette did feel like eating, she'd get as many calories and nutrients as possible from the single bite.

"You take such good care of me," Odette chimed, leaning comfortably into him from his back, putting her arms around his waist, and rested her cheek against his back.

"You're my wife. Who else am I here to take good care of?" Logan shot back a rhetorical answer.

"Yum, cheese..," Odette mumbled, grabbing a bite.

"Eat," Logan suggested, attempting to turn to put the cheese back in the fridge but was pinned between Odette and the counter.

"You know, I've been feeling guilty..," Odette began.

"Guilty about what?" Logan asked.

She replied with a sneaky smile - he knew that smile.

"We've talked about this...," Logan shook his head, evasively.

"I know I'm not the sexiest thing in the world right now, but I know you have needs. I do see things, I hear things... I've seen the tissues, the lube, the occasional glimpse of the X-Art tab on your browser...," Odette suggested, walking her fingers upwards along his chest.

Logan rolled his eyes, following it with a frown. These things were not something he was proud to be called out on, but they'd never lived with this big taboo over taking care of their own needs when it was convenient. They had had a sex life, it was just often infused by alcohol, often just a search for closeness and comfort.

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