45 - Kissing in the Rain

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November 25th, 2022, Nantucket / Martha's Vineyard, MA

The sight that Rory witnessed at the tiny Nantucket Memorial Airport was not very promising. All of this morning's flights to Boston had been canceled. But the fact that the one to JFK had departed with an hour's delay gave her at least some promise.

The day was growing darker and weather outside was still incredibly windy, the rustling ocean waves having been a threatening sight through the day. Rain had poured down from the sky on and off, threatening to turn into something icy. She'd even considered that perhaps going on this flight was too risky - subjecting herself and her little girl to this weather up there in a small tin can of a plane just to make it to the neighboring island to see Logan. Was that even the responsible thing to do?

Right now she was sitting at one of the wooden benches, watching the minutes tick by, hoping the next message through the intercom would be concerning the boarding of her flight to the Vineyard not its cancellation or delay. Her five-year-old was already twirling around the waiting lounge with her pink suitcase, bored of the waiting, considering Rory had wanted to be early at the airport to hand over her rental car.

Before any announcement was made, however, Rory's phone chimed.

"Yeah?" Rory picked up, seeing Logan's number.

"Hey. Just wanted to check how's it looking over there?" Logan asked. He sounded anxious. Perhaps he knew something she didn't? Was the weather even worse there?

"Well the plane to JFK departed, so there's some hope," Rory said, trying to sound optimistic.

"Well, they haven't starting packing this place up yet," Logan commented, knowing it was one of the last flights of the day to arrive.

"You're already there?" Rory commented, the thought warming her heart. It was just a short 15 minute flight once they got on the plane, but it was still nice to be waited for like that - it made her stomach flutter. "That's a good sign I guess," Rory agreed, trying to appear casual about it.

"Did you talk to your mom?" Logan asked, deciding to make good use of the waiting. He really didn't want to go into this once she was there.

"Yeah. Went pretty much as well as it went for you and your dad," Rory sighed. "But grandma wants to see you at Christmas. And Luke was sort of neutral, helpful even - suggested I talk to April. She was like 11 when she found out Luke was her dad," Rory shared.

It made Logan feel giddy that they were making plans this much into the future. But at the same time he knew he would have some obligations to the Gilmore's no matter how well he and Rory worked out. He could hope, but he didn't quite dare to hope too much. It was exhilarating, yet he knew there could be bumps on their path too.

"Sorry about your mom," Logan chimed.

"She even felt the need to add a sarcastic - 'Can't wait to see Didi at Christmas," right before we left. Grandma mentioned you so, that's why...," Rory continued.

"Didi?" Logan inquired, not quite recalling the name.

"I used to lie to her that was who I was staying with at London..., not my proudest moment," Rory shared, regretfully. She hadn't been a particularily good daughter then either - lying to her mother, so in that sense Lorelai too had every right to be mad at her. That wasn't how she'd raised her either.

"Ah..," Logan nodded along.

"Things haven't been right between us for a while.. Even if have made it seem like it is 'okay'. So whatever this is now is just some of the same old... I just hope she's nice to you around Em, if she can master that she's already exceeding my expectations," Rory discussed, seeing Em looking at the rain and wind outside through the window a little further away.

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