30 - A Good Friend

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The restaurant they met Finn at wasn't far from the hotel - just a couple of blocks, and the three had walked over. The bustle of the big city was fun, although possibly a little tiring for the youngest of the group.

They hadn't done much other than breakfast and a walk around Central Park that morning, the playground providing sufficient entertainment to Em, even with all things money could buy within their grasp.

"So how much does he know?" Rory asked, not too loudly, from Logan before entering, Em hopping along on her side, holding onto her fingers.

"The general headlines, I guess. That it was a mutual decision...," Logan said, keeping things brief around Em.

"Okay, just so he doesn't hate me or something," Rory explained, having thought about this a little. She realized how many might see this - as her getting everything and Logan being the victim.

"Why would he hate you!? If anything he gave me a well-deserved scolding when I last saw him," Logan explained.

Finn had reprimanded him for a) leaving Rory to have the baby by herself despite everything, being a romantic at heart like he was, b) being an idiot for how he'd handled that whole relationship - speaking with contempt about the arrangement they'd had and that he'd been not too keen on in the first place, and c) for not telling him - the latter turning out to be the biggest trigger for him. He'd even said how he could've helped and how it was not only Logan who had missed five years of the little girl's life, of Rory's life - not that he was always the best at keeping regular contact himself. But it spoke of his passionate take on his friend's life more than anything.

"Oh, just in case he thought I hid her or something," Rory replied, revealing one of the worries she'd had for years. That someone, just like that one run-in with Honor, years ago, would figure it out and blame her for hiding Em's existence from Logan. And since they'd had the NDA in place, she could never even tell any of them that Logan knew if it did come to it. Sure, now there was no such case anymore.

"Finn's not that kind of guy," Logan said and gallantly pulled open the door to the restaurant Finn had insisted on meeting them.

The shopkeeper's bell chimed, not that the place was empty by any means. The burger place - the classy kind - that was also supposed to be child friendly according to Finn, looked busy.

The place had maybe room for 50, and it was at least ¾ occupied, and there were several servers hurrying about, carrying trays of truly delicious looking burgers, draft beers and shakes. It's interior was black-and-white, including a harlequin floor, and several colorful dashes in the form of paintings and sculptures on the walls, bringing everything into life.

"Party of three?" one of the servers asked them.

"Um, we might already have a reservation actually," Logan began. "Table for Morgan," he added.

"Oh, you must be Finn's guests. He's actually in the back. Come on, I'll show you," the preppy girl with pink ombré-colored hair said.

"Her hair is so pretty, mommy," Em commented, not too quietly.

"Why thank you!" the server replied, smilingly.

"Can I have that kind of hair when I grow up?" Em continued to inquire, causing both Rory and Logan to chuckle lightly.

"Sure you can," Rory commented, to which Logan, for the first time, felt like arguing a little about.

While he'd grown up doing pranks and mischief all his life, which had certainly been not encouraged, things like making changes to his body, other than working out, had never been something that had been tolerated in his family - no hair dying except for the women of the family, no piercings, no tattoos. Hell, him not shaving his beard every morning was probably a little rebellious if his mother were to be judging, which she no longer was, thankfully. That just wasn't done and strangely enough he'd never even argued with that part and he'd never really wondered why.

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