Chapter Diez

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" Jesus Christ, I'm so sorry " I said while covering my face. " Don't worry, as long as we're together nothing could go wrong" James said. I got up and looked at the ocean . " I think we should get ready to swim" James said. I ran into the changing room. It was so cold in there I don't know why. I started to strip and all of a sudden I heard foot step walking around the locker room. I hurried up and put on my swimming suit. My swimming suit was a black Modbe One Piece swimming suit. I ran out of the changing room. " I ain't getting rape today" I said to myself. I saw James on the beach with his swimming shorts on. He looked so amazing. I finally discovered that he has a six pack and amazing muscles. I ran over to him and he just gazes at me." You have an amazing body" he says while holding my waist. " So do you" I said while rubbing his muscles. James began to kiss my neck softly. " Whoa whoa whoa, this is not swimming. What your doing right now is kissing." I said while pushing him aways a little. " I can't help it babe your so sexy in your swimming suit. And your attitude makes me want to kiss you more" James said then carries me in his arms. " At least carry me to the water" I said. When he was carrying me to the ocean there was still no people on the beach. We were still alone. "Am I heavy " I said. "No not really " James said then kiss my cheek. James put me down and then hugged me from behind. " Babe, I don't know how to swim. I said with embarrassment." Don't worry I got you sweetie."He says while kissing my head. " You see this ocean, if you don't swim right or treat it right you'll drown. It kinda reminds me of you, do you remember when Brandon that kid in art was calling your drawing a piece of poop. Then you kick him in his jewels and poured water on his face when he dropped to the ground. And for some reason he was drowning, it's kinda like that."James said. " Ok?" I said. " And don't be afraid, if you begin drowning I'll save you." He said while gaze into my eyes. " I trust you James" I said then smiled. James turned red them he immediately kissed me passionately. " I love ur lips " James said while kissing me. I pull out of the kiss and gazes right back into his eyes. " You know I love you right" I said while holding his hands. " I love you too. You have stolen my heart since the first day I met you." James said while bringing my hands to his chest covering his heart. " Let's begin" James said.

See it's not that bad your great" James said. " Are you serious I almost drowned 16 times. At least I know how to swim now, thanks to you. I said while blushing. We walked out the water. " I need to change " I said to James. The beach was still empty. I was kinda scared to back into the locker room. " Hey James can you come in the locker room with me." I said while holding his hand. James face turned so red. " So your saying that I can watch you change." James say while blushing. " no just stand outside my changing room. The last time I heard foot steps so I got scared. " We walked into the locker room and I unlocked my locker and took my belongings to the changing room. " I got you babe " James said. I walked into the changing room and took off my swimming suit and began drying my self with the towel. " I bet you look hot in there babe. " James said while giggling. " No peaking" I said. " Began to put on my degree deodorant and put on my bra followed by my underwear. " Oh my god" James said. " Omg who is it." I screamed out. " No no, no one is here, I'm sorry but you look sexy in your bra and undies." James said while giggling. " When I come out your going to get slapped so hard." I said. I put on my shirt then my shorts followed my Socks. I put on my shoes on then walked outside my changing room to see James blushing and sweating. " Your so hot" James said while grabbing me around my waist. " Cmon now it time for you to get dressed." I said ."Hey babe can you stand outside my changing room." James said. " Heck no" I said while we walk out the locker room. " Ok then wait on the beach ." James said. James ran into the locker room. I looked at the ocean. I see the sun reflecting on the water giving it this sparking look. It was so beautiful. " I wish I was as beautiful as the ocean." I said to myself. Five minutes later James ran out of the locker room. " Are you ready to go" James said. " Yeah let's go"I said. We walked towards the car and then James opened the passenger side for me then I sat in the car. He was finally in the car too. He drove me home." You were amazing once again James" I said. I kissed his lips softly then got out the car. " I love you babe" James screams out. " Love you too" I said. I walked toward the house and opened the door and saw my friend look amazed and surprised again. Today was amazing, I finally discovered that I really do love James and that I can also trust him 100%.

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