Chapter Diecisiete

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We ended up walking out the movie theater holding hands." Man, those guys are crazy. When every their drunk they do some chaotic this." Nik says while giggle. I wasn't even paying attention to what he was saying. I was just looking at his beautiful face. I don't know why but he's just so special in a way. I love the way his eyes sparkle when we look at each other. I love the warmth of his touch. I love his tallness, his smile, is adorable personality, and basically everything. " you tend to daydream a lot" he says while staring at my blank face. " I love you " I said while caressing his face. " no you don't, well not yet. You're moving to fast dude. This was practically our first date and your saying that you love me, haha bruh. Your very very fast. Just chill. I'm not another version of James or what ever the heck his name is. I'm me, Nik with out the c."He says then gives me a cheesy smile. " I have some questions for you sir, who told you that you were suppose to go on this date. And what convinced you to go on this date." I said while putting my hands on my hips. " basically what Jennifer told me that you said that I was amazing and that I was the perfect one for you, which is 100% true. And your friend mosigla or moshi or royal told me that if I didn't come here she would hire someone to beat me up. And then she was talking about how Lamar is gonna destroy me, she's really aggressive but funny." He says then giggles. " Wow , I have some awesome friend." I say with a surprise face. " cmon lemme take you home. Or are you willing to stay up late." He says. " I'm kinda in the mood to have some fun." I say. " alright let's go." He says then grabs my hand. He called a cab and we went inside. " can you take us to white stone bowling place." He says to the cab driver. When we reached the stop light I saw the cab driver looking at me through his side mirror. He look kinda foreign, he look like an Indian or an Arab or Turkish. " hey keep your eyes on the road ." Nik said while clinching his teeth together. I don't know, I just kept on staring at him. He had nice eyebrows tho and eyes, and nose, basically his whole face looks nice and cute. I couldn't stop I don't know why. When we reached another stop light he looked in the side mirror and saw me staring at him with my face all reddish. Then he winked at me. I kinda giggled when he did that to me. When I was in the process of trying to look at Nik all of a sudden he just grabbed me and kissed me passionately. I guess he saw me and the driver staring at each other and got jealous. He wouldn't let go of me, he just continue kissing me. His lips is so soft and so warm.I pulled out of the kiss. " jealous much " I whisper in his ear. " Wow I'm not allowed to show my girlfriend some love." He says while blushing. We finally reach out destination. We both got out the car. " Your girlfriend is so beautiful" the cabdriver says" she's so beautiful" he says to himself . " keep your eyes to yourself. Get yourself your own girlfriend" Nik says with an angry tone. " let's go" Nik says. We entered the bowling rank. We ordered some chicken nuggets, fries, two pepperoni pie pizza, and gigantic bottle of sprite. We took lots of selfies and score lots of strikes."your pretty good at this, I need to step up my game" Nik says


We left the bowling rank. "Your the goddess of bowling. " Nik says then gives me a high five. " thanks I usually go bowling with my friends. Oh god it's getting late. But who cares it summer."I say. " let's get a cab" Nik says. In the next 12 minutes the cab was here and the same guy that drove us to the bowling rank was driving us home. " oh brother here we go again." Nik says to him self.
1 hour later

We reach our destination. "Goodnight beautiful" the cab driver says then drives off. " why do you have to be so beautiful Destiny, your killing me. We walked in front of my house. " I had and awesome time." I said while blushing. " so did I" Nik says while smiling . " come here my cute kola bear". Nik say then gives me a great big tight hug. He was so warm and he smell so good too. He let go of me. " good night " Nik say. " good night " I say. I walked into the house and was doing my happy dance. " now that was a good date " I said to my self. I took off my clothes and went into the shower. I put on this night gown that was black, short , and basically my cleavage was showing....but hey I'm just going to sleep in it. I looked in the mirror and looked at the curls in my hair. It was so long curly and beautiful. I walked into the room and I turned on the light. " good lord" Gregory says. " oh heck no, how did you get in here. " I say while back up slowly. " Mmmmmm don't you look delicious." He says while walking towards me. All of a sudden I just stopped and looked at him. He's so
Attractive but yet he's so crazy and weird  . He grabbed me around my waist, and whispers in my ear " I love it when you tease me. Going out with these guys just to get my attention. You don't know how much that excites me" he says then kisses my lips passionately. This was so wrong but it feels so right. I began kissing him back. He then carries me and throws me to the bed he climbs on top of me and began kissing me. I'm my mind I was saying stop but I guess my lips wants more. He was so warm and so passionate with me. He began breathing and kissing in my neck then all of a sudden he just stopped and looked at me. He carressed
my blushing red and brown skin. " goodnight" he says then kissed my forehead." Love you " he says. I looked up at the ceiling and my vision began to blur. Then I fell asleep.

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