Continuation of Chapter Trece

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" Ugh, why do u follow me, why do you like me so much." I said. "Well ever since you moved here seven years back I wanted to express my feelings to you but I was too shy. I know I was only ten then but I knew that I love you." He says then kisses my cheek. " Wow I didn't really expect that response." I said while blushing. " Your beauty fits so perfectly with your personality, your so perfect." He said while gazing into my eyes. I felt a tingling sensation in my stomach. When I looked into his baby blue eyes I just see.... ugh.. baby blue eyes that were dilated 😕. " Wait let's get serious, your crazy and your freaky" I said while backing away. I made sure I look at what he was wear and how he looks so I can report it to the police. " Well someone is checking me out." He said while blushing. " Ok destiny he has a black shirt that says Crazy or Nah. Crazy. Black jeans, black and green converses, and a black winter hat that say Bite Me. Baby blue eyes, sharp nose, about six feet tall" I thought to myself. The door knocks and all of a sudden I see Gregory jump out the window without getting hurt and running down the street and has the speed of sonic. I ran down stair and open the door. " Hey buddy " Nik says while giving me a hug. " Ugh hi, you smell good. Oh and nice hair cut u got there" I said while blushing he had short wave curls. He had on a Indigo Star Bark Stripe Tee , Nike sneakers and jeans. " Can I come in buddy" he says then smiles. I signaled him to come inside. " When are your parents coming back, it's been along time." Nik said then sits on the sofa. " I called not to long ago but they didn't answer" I said while sitting next to him. He put his arm over my shoulder and kiss my cheek. "Well then" I said. He started kiss my neck while holding my waist.
" Nik you remember what I said earlier today " I said while my face looked like this😳. " Babe I know you like it's just that your afraid of being loved by a guy. Your afraid that I might like another girl very quickly or cheat on you.... I promise I wont hurt you." he say while moving he face close to mine. " I love you Destiny, Be mine forever. " He says while caressing my face. " I know James loved you but I can love you ten times better. " He said. He kisses my lips passionately with out conceit. I slapped him and moved away. " Your not ready for me. I know ur thinking about that idiot James. He's blocking us out. I've been wait so long for you to be finally mine but you can't help but think about him. You know what, don't talk to me again." he said while walking towards the door. " Nik don't go please your too important I need you. " I said while following him. " I'm done, Destiny I love you but I can't let you hurt me like this. When you stop thinking about James text me, but until then don't talk to me" he says then walks out the door. " Darn it " I said while covering my face sitting on the floor.

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