Chapter Catorce

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" You know what im done, I'm seriously done " I said while running up the stairs to my bedroom. I wrapped my self in my sheets then I fell asleep. I woke up on a Sunday. Which is one of the worst days to wake up then Monday. " Oh god I'm starving" I said while yawning. I went into the bathroom brushed my teeth and then took a shower. I ran into my bed room and picked out some clothes which is a yellow crop top that say " dangerous road leads to beautiful destinations". Since I don't like showing my stomach I wore on a black undershirt under my crop top and then I put on a black and yellow striped shorts followed by plain black sandals. I put my hair in a side bang and left the rest of my hair out. I admire the awesome curls in my hair so much. I ran down stairs and went into the kitchen. I made myself some rice with egg and cheese. " This is the life, the single life." I said while turning on the Tv. All of a sudden all I heard was " All the single ladies, All the single ladies, now put your hands up " Beyoncé singed. " Wow what a coincidence" I said while giggling. The door knock. " I hope it's nik " I said while running towards the door. I open the door and saw Jennifer. " Dezz dezz you alright." she says while making a puppy dog face. " yeah don't worry about it I'm fine."I sighed. " Haha, is that the single ladies by Beyoncé." Jennifer said then bursted out laughing. "Wait uh I wasn't listening to that. " Do you need a hug buddy" Jennifer says then opens her arms wide open for me. "I'm ok, I'm cool, I feel awesome, and I feel high.... I mean fly." I said then had a depressed look on my face. " Mmmmhmm, lets go inside cry, eat ice cream and talk about this." Jennifer say. I brung her inside and I took out two tubs of chocolate fudge ice cream covered with peanuts, almonds, and cashews followed by chocolate syrup. " Wait Destiny you know I was joking right. Jennifer says while giggling. " Yeah I know I was just in the mood for ice cream." I said then giggles. I say at the table and gave Jennifer the other tub of ice cream. " Mmm chocolate I love chocolate ice cream. " Jennifer says while her eyes were begging to dilate. " Ok tell something about James." Jennifer says while scooping a spoon of ice cream. " To be honest he's kinda weird, but he's weird in a positive and a negative way. " I said. " Tell me the pros and the cons" Jennifer said. " Well here are the pros. He give me his attention 24/7, he's so sweet, he understands me, and finally he's so romantic." I said while blushing. " Ok now give me the cons, right now it seems like he's perfect." Jennifer said while eating her ice cream. " He's annoying sometime, he thinks that I am suppose to be with him all the time. I can't even talk to my guy friends when he's around. He just gets so jealous. For an example he threw a chair at a waiter just because he game me a compliment" I said with an angry tone. " There a difference between compliment and just straight up flirting with you Destiny" she says while trying to lift up one eyebrow but fails. " Uh yeah your right, now Nik. The pro are his sweetness, friendliness, he is so romantic." I said. " They both sound so similar." Jennifer say. " Wait but then Nik is just so caring and he doesn't really care about himself and his needs like James, he cares about what I want and what's best for both of us." I said. " And he's a hottie too, he reminds me of Jacob from twilight. Team Jacob by the way. " Jennifer says. " Oh yeah I love that movie, I'm in love with Jacob." I said while blushing. " Exactly Nik is best for you Destiny, your his Destiny. Haha see what I did there." Jennifer says while laughing so hard. " Maybe he is" I said while blushing. ☺️

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