Chapter Diecinueve

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" dude what the heck are you doing. You really lost your mind" Moshighla says. I looked over to where Gregory was at, but he was gone." No no no I am not crazy, he was right here. " I say while leaning against the kitchen counter and dropping the knife on the floor. " Moshighla, I seriously saw him he was right here reading my diary." I said while rubbing my head. " I believe you just calm down. I'm staying over here for the night and I'm texting the rest of the crew to come. Dude this is crazy, it's like we're in some scary movie though." She said while laughing. " but this is reality. So much has passed in theses days. I've dated a guy for three days then we broke up and then I some how got another boyfriend the next day." I say while rubbing my eyes." You're a Thot" Moshighla says while laughing crazy. " alright,I don't mind" I said while closing my eyes

5 hour later
Jennifer, Renee, and Seyi walked in. " how many boyfriends do you got Destiny. I told you dating was a bad idea. We was suppose to be the forever alone squad." Renee says. " Renee your going to own lots of cats when you get older. And p.s  they are not you're friends. They are disgusting fur balls that doesn't even care about you. Now... Dogs, you gotta love them." Jennifer says while laughing. " hey close the door and lock it, I don't want no stranger in this house. Your gonna make me kill someone today." Moshighla says. " hey take a chill pill, peace and love everybody" Seyi says with her tie dye shirt on. " guys this is serious, he's out there somewhere, he wants me. Ever since that day I've been getting bad vibes when I'm walking alone." I said while rubbing my face again. "We all need to stay up, and basically have a look out.we have to call each other if we find something wrong with the house. Anything... Anything at all. " I say while getting up off the ground. Bang bang!!! " someone is knocking on the door, This is crazy. I'm scared. Jennifer take me home. " Renee says while whispering and running behind Jennifer. " open the door" I hear Zz screaming from out side. " come in quickly." I said while pulling her in. I lock the door quickly. " don't worry I know what's going on Renee told me. " Zz says. " and also guys please do not tell Nik about this, he might think I'm weird and crazy. "I said while having a worried look. Jennifer looked at Renee then Renee look at Seyi then say looked at Moshighla then Moshighla looked at Zz. " here's the think I kinda already today him but he took it as a joke so you good"Zz says while scratching her head. " oh thanks the lord " I said. " you look nice today by the way"Zz says. " yeah you do, she's stole my style. Wait never mind my style isn't that dark. But I do like the choker necklace. I can rock that. " Jennifer says while giggling.

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